Cotard syndrome

Co·tard syn·drome

(kō-tahr'), psychotic depression involving delusion of the existence of one's body, along with ideas of negation and suicidal impulses.
A rare delusional disorder linked to depression, suicidal ideation, sleep deprivation or derealisation, in which a person believes he/she is dead or dying, doesn’t exist, is putrefying, or has lost his/her blood or internal organs
Management Tricyclic antidepressants, serotoninergics

Co·tard syn·drome

(kō-tahr' sin'drōm) Psychotic depression involving delusions regarding the body, along with ideas of negation and suicidal impulses.


Jules, French neurologist, 1840-1887. Cotard syndrome - psychotic depression involving delusion of the existence of one's body, along with ideas of negation and suicidal impulses.