

D0267700 (dĭs-grās′)n.1. Loss of honor, respect, or reputation; shame.2. The condition of being strongly and generally disapproved.3. One that brings disfavor or discredit: Your handwriting is a disgrace.tr.v. dis·graced, dis·grac·ing, dis·grac·es 1. To bring shame or dishonor on: disgraced the entire community.2. To deprive of favor or good repute; treat with disfavor: The family was disgraced by the scandal.
[French disgrâce, from Italian disgrazia : dis-, not (from Latin; see dis-) + grazia, favor (from Latin grātia, from grātus, pleasing; see gwerə- in Indo-European roots).]
dis·grac′er n.