

单词 drain



D0378300 (drān)v. drained, drain·ing, drains v.tr.1. To draw off (a liquid) by a gradual process: drained water from the sink.2. a. To cause liquid to go out from; empty: drained the bathtub; drain the pond.b. To draw off the surface water of: The Mississippi River drains a vast area.3. To drink all the contents of: drained the cup.4. a. To cause (a resource or supply of something) to be used up gradually and often completely. See Synonyms at deplete.b. To fatigue or spend emotionally or physically: The day's events drained me of energy.5. Sports To put (a ball or shot) into a hole or basket, as in golf or basketball: drained the putt for a birdie.v.intr.1. To flow off or out: Gasoline drained slowly from the tilted can.2. To become empty by the drawing off of liquid: watched the tub slowly drain.3. To discharge surface or excess water: The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded, the swamp drains northward.4. To become gradually depleted; dwindle: felt his enthusiasm draining.n.1. A pipe or channel by which liquid is drawn off.2. Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material.3. The act or process of draining.4. a. A gradual outflow or loss; consumption or depletion: the drain of young talent by emigration.b. Something that causes a gradual loss: interruptions that are a drain on my patience.Idiom: down the drain To or into the condition of being wasted or lost: All of our best laid plans are down the drain.
[Middle English dreinen, to strain, drain, from Old English drēahnian.]
drain′a·ble adj.drain′er n.


(dreɪn) n1. (Civil Engineering) a pipe or channel that carries off water, sewage, etc2. an instance or cause of continuous diminution in resources or energy; depletion3. (Surgery) surgery a device, such as a tube, for insertion into a wound, incision, or bodily cavity to drain off pus, etc4. (Electronics) electronics the electrode region in a field-effect transistor into which majority carriers flow from the interelectrode conductivity channel5. down the drain wastedvb6. (often foll by: off) to draw off or remove (liquid) from: to drain water from vegetables; to drain vegetables. 7. (often foll by: away) to flow (away) or filter (off)8. (intr) to dry or be emptied as a result of liquid running off or flowing away: leave the dishes to drain. 9. (tr) to drink the entire contents of (a glass, cup, etc)10. (tr) to consume or make constant demands on (resources, energy, etc); exhaust; sap11. (intr) to disappear or leave, esp gradually: the colour drained from his face. 12. (Physical Geography) (tr) (of a river, etc) to carry off the surface water from (an area)13. (Physical Geography) (intr) (of an area) to discharge its surface water into rivers, streams, etc[Old English drēahnian; related to Old Norse drangr dry wood; see dry] ˈdrainable adj



v.t. 1. to draw off (a liquid) gradually. 2. to empty by drawing off liquid. 3. to exhaust the strength or resources of. v.i. 4. to flow off or empty gradually. n. 5. a pipe, conduit, etc., by which a liquid drains. 6. an act of draining. 7. something that causes a large outflow or depletion. Idioms: go down the drain, to become worthless or profitless. [before 1000; Middle English dreynen, Old English drēhnian,drēahnian to strain, filter; akin to dry] drain′a•ble, adj. drain′er, n.


Past participle: drained
Gerund: draining
I drain
you drain
he/she/it drains
we drain
you drain
they drain
I drained
you drained
he/she/it drained
we drained
you drained
they drained
Present Continuous
I am draining
you are draining
he/she/it is draining
we are draining
you are draining
they are draining
Present Perfect
I have drained
you have drained
he/she/it has drained
we have drained
you have drained
they have drained
Past Continuous
I was draining
you were draining
he/she/it was draining
we were draining
you were draining
they were draining
Past Perfect
I had drained
you had drained
he/she/it had drained
we had drained
you had drained
they had drained
I will drain
you will drain
he/she/it will drain
we will drain
you will drain
they will drain
Future Perfect
I will have drained
you will have drained
he/she/it will have drained
we will have drained
you will have drained
they will have drained
Future Continuous
I will be draining
you will be draining
he/she/it will be draining
we will be draining
you will be draining
they will be draining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been draining
you have been draining
he/she/it has been draining
we have been draining
you have been draining
they have been draining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been draining
you will have been draining
he/she/it will have been draining
we will have been draining
you will have been draining
they will have been draining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been draining
you had been draining
he/she/it had been draining
we had been draining
you had been draining
they had been draining
I would drain
you would drain
he/she/it would drain
we would drain
you would drain
they would drain
Past Conditional
I would have drained
you would have drained
he/she/it would have drained
we would have drained
you would have drained
they would have drained
Noun1.drain - emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of itdrain - emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of itdrainageemptying, evacuation, voidance - the act of removing the contents of something
2.drain - tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted materialtube, tubing - conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gasessurgery - the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures; "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School"
3.drain - a pipe through which liquid is carried awaydrain - a pipe through which liquid is carried awaydrainpipe, waste pipeculvert - a transverse and totally enclosed drain under a road or railwaypipage, pipe, piping - a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.scupper - drain that allows water on the deck of a vessel to flow overboardsewer, sewerage, cloaca - a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface watersoil pipe - drain that conveys liquid waste from toilets, etc.trap - drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas
4.drain - a gradual depletion of energy or resources; "a drain on resources"; "a drain of young talent by emigration"depletion - the act of decreasing something markedlydrawing off, drawing - act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source; "the drawing of water from the well"brain drain - depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
Verb1.drain - flow off gradually; "The rain water drains into this big vat"run outcourse, flow, run, feed - move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"
2.drain - deplete of resources; "The exercise class drains me of energy"deplete, use up, wipe out, eat up, exhaust, run through, eat, consume - use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
3.drain - empty of liquid; drain the liquid from; "We drained the oil tank"empty - make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building"
4.drain - make weak; "Life in the camp drained him"debilitate, enfeebleweaken - lessen the strength of; "The fever weakened his body"emaciate, macerate, waste - cause to grow thin or weak; "The treatment emaciated him"


verb1. remove, draw, empty, withdraw, milk, tap, pump, bleed, evacuate machines to drain water out of the mines2. empty, unload, clear out, remove the contents of I didn't know what we would find when we drained the pool.3. flow out, leak, discharge, trickle, ooze, seep, exude, well out, effuse The water drained away.4. drink up, swallow, knock back, finish, sink (informal), put away (informal), swig (informal), guzzle, quaff, polish off, gulp down She drained the contents of her glass and refilled it.5. exhaust, tire, wear out, strain, weaken, fatigue, weary, debilitate, prostrate, tax, tire out, enfeeble, enervate My emotional turmoil has drained me.6. consume, waste, exhaust, empty, bleed, deplete, use up, sap, dissipate, expend, swallow up Deficits drain resources from the pool of national savings.noun1. sewer, channel, pipe, sink, outlet, ditch, trench, conduit, duct, culvert, watercourse He built his own house and laid his own drains.2. reduction, strain, drag, expenditure, exhaustion, sapping, depletion This has been a big drain on resources.down the drain gone, lost, wasted, ruined, down the tubes, down the pan, gone for good His public image is down the drain.


verb1. To remove (a liquid) by a steady, gradual process:draw (off), let out, pump, tap.2. To grow or cause to grow gradually less:abate, decrease, diminish, dwindle, ebb, lessen, let up, peter (out), rebate, reduce, tail away (or off), taper (off).3. To lessen or weaken severely, as by removing something essential:deplete, exhaust, impoverish, sap, use up.4. To use all of:consume, draw down, eat up, exhaust, expend, finish, play out, run through, spend, use up.Informal: polish off.5. To diminish the strength and energy of:fatigue, jade, tire, wear, wear down, wear out, weary.nounThe act or process of decreasing:abatement, curtailment, cut, cutback, decrease, decrement, diminishment, diminution, reduction, slash, slowdown, taper.


(drein) verb1. to clear (land) of water by the use of ditches and pipes. There are plans to drain the marsh. (陸地)排水 排去(水等液体) 2. (of water) to run away. The water drained away/off into the ditch. (水)流掉 流走,漏掉 3. to pour off the water etc from or allow the water etc to run off from. Would you drain the vegetables?; He drained the petrol tank; The blood drained from her face. (將水)瀝乾,排乾 (水等)流尽,放光 4. to drink everything contained in. He drained his glass. 喝乾 喝干5. to use up completely (the money, strength etc of). The effort drained all his energy. 耗盡 耗尽 noun1. something (a ditch, trench, waterpipe etc) designed to carry away water. The heavy rain has caused several drains to overflow. 排水用的溝渠或水管 排水沟(管) 2. something which slowly exhausts a supply, especially of one's money or strength. His car is a constant drain on his money. 逐漸耗盡(尤指金錢或力氣) (精力、金钱等)逐渐耗尽、耗竭 ˈdrainage (-nidʒ) noun the process, method or system of carrying away extra water. The town's drainage is very efficient. 排水,排水方法,排水系統 排水,排水系统 ˈdraining-board noun the area at the side of a sink grooved and sloping to allow water from dishes to drain away. (廚房用具)滴水板 滴水板ˈdrainpipe noun a pipe which carries water from the roof of a building to the ground. 排水管 排水管down the drain wasted. We had to scrap everything and start again – six months' work down the drain! 付諸流水 被浪费掉,挥霍掉


排放zhCN, 排水沟zhCN, 插孔zhCN
  • The drain is blocked → 下水道堵塞了


circle the drain

To be in a state of severe deterioration such that one is approaching inevitable ruin, failure, or death. Usually used in the continuous form. The company's closure was inevitable, as it has been circling the drain for the last six months. Her political career began to circle the drain after news of her affair came to public light. He was already circling the drain when the decision was made to take him off life support.See also: circle, drain

drain the main vein

vulgar slang Of a male, to urinate. "Main vein" is slang for the penis. Will you order us another round of drinks? I'm just going to go drain the main vein real quick.See also: drain, main

Up to (one's) neck in alligators

business adage The full expression is some variation of: "When you are up to your neck in alligators, it's easy to forget that the goal was to drain the swamp." It is easy to be so overcome or preoccupied by various tangential worries, problems, or tasks that one loses sight of the ultimate goal or objective. I've spent so much time dealing with various infrastructure problems for my new business that I've had no time to actually develop our product properly. I guess it's easy to forget, when up to your neck in alligators, that the mission is to drain the swamp.See also: alligator, neck, up

go down the drain

To fail; to be ruined or destroyed; to be squandered or wastefully discarded. My father's company is now going down the drain because of the incompetent new CEO. All of our savings have gone down the drain ever since Jack had his little gambling spree in Las Vegas.See also: down, drain, go

brain drain

The loss of educated and skilled workers to other locations, often ones that provide better financial compensation or job opportunities. The state has some of the nation's best universities, but it suffers from brain drain as graduates often flee to find more lucrative job opportunities elsewhere.See also: brain, drain

down the drain

1. In a state of failure or ruination. My father's company is now going down the drain because of the incompetent new CEO.2. Squandered or wastefully discarded. All of our savings have gone down the drain ever since Jack had his little gambling spree in Las Vegas.See also: down, drain

drain (someone or something) of (something)

1. To cause someone or something to lose some ability or quality, often energy. Eleanor has such a pessimistic attitude that being around her just drains me of energy.2. To empty or remove something (often a liquid) from something else. I always have to drain this soup of its broth because my daughter only likes the noodles.See also: drain, of

drain (something) out of (something)

To cause a liquid to flow or move out of something. Can you drain the water out of that pot? I don't want the pasta to get soggy.See also: drain, of, out

drain away

1. To flow or move away from something, as of a liquid. Don't worry, once the rain stops, all of this water will drain away from the sidewalk.2. To cause a liquid to flow or move away from something else. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "drain" and "away." I had to drain the broth away from the noodles to get my daughter to eat the soup.See also: away, drain

drain from (someone or something)

1. To flow or move away from something, as of a liquid. Don't worry, once the rain stops, all of this water will drain from the sidewalk.2. To cause a liquid to flow or move out of someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "drain" and "from." Ever since that football injury, I have to go to the doctor every so often to get fluid drained from my knee. I had to drain the broth from the noodles, or else my daughter wouldn't eat the soup.See also: drain

drain off

To flow or move off of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "drain" and "off." Now that we've fixed the gutters, the rain should drain off of our roof nicely.See also: drain, off

drain out

To flow or move out of something, as of a liquid. Because the stopper had come loose, most of the water had drained out of the tub by the time I came back for my bath.See also: drain, out

laugh like a drain

1. verb To laugh in a very loud, boisterous, and hearty manner; to guffaw. Mike's friend Jessie had me laughing like a drain all evening long.2. noun A very loud, boisterous, and hearty laugh. My mother had a laugh like a drain that brought a smile to everyone in the room.See also: drain, laugh, like

money down the drain

Money that is wasted, squandered, or spent unnecessarily. My degree in literature has so far been a lot of money down the drain, as the only jobs I've been able to get have been in restaurants waiting tables. All of these gadgets you buy are just money down the drain, if you ask me.See also: down, drain, money


The loss of valuable thinkers and workers to a different organization or geographic area, typically due to the promise of something better, such as pay or opportunities. The stagnation in pay at the university has led to a serious brain-drain.

make drain babies

vulgar slang Of a male, to masturbate and ejaculate in the shower.See also: baby, drain, make

pour money down the drain

To waste or squander money; to spend money foolishly or carelessly. I don't know why you pour money down the drain on such useless things. I thought I'd save some cash buying a second-hand car, but I've poured so much money down the drain trying to get it working that I might as well have just bought a new one!See also: down, drain, money, pour

drain the bilge

slang To vomit. Geez, I thought I was going to drain the bilge out on that boat—I felt so seasick!See also: drain

drain the dragon

slang Of a male, to urinate. In this phrase, "dragon" is used as a slang term for the penis. Will you order us another round of drinks? I'm just going to go drain the dragon real quick.See also: dragon, drain

drain away

[for something] to flow away. All the water drained away and exposed the mud and rocks on the bottom of the pond. When the water drained away, we found three snapping turtles in the bottom of the pond.See also: away, drain

drain from something

to flow out of something. All the dirty oil drained from the engine. The milk drained from the leaky container and covered the bottom of the refrigerator.See also: drain

drain out

to flow out or empty. All the milk drained out of the container onto the bottom of the refrigerator. All the oil drained out of the crankcase.See also: drain, out

drain someone or something of something

Fig. to exhaust someone or something of something, such as energy, motivation, etc. This day has drained me of all my motivation. The first performance drained the cast of all its energy.See also: drain, of

drain something away

(from something ) to channel some liquid away from something. Drain all of the standing water away from the foundation of the house. Drain away the water from the foundation.See also: away, drain

drain something from someone or something

to cause something to flow out of someone or something. The farmers drained the water from the flooded fields. The doctor drained the fluids from Roger after his operation.See also: drain

drain something of something

to empty something out of something. He drained the glass of the remaining beer.See also: drain, of

drain something off something

 and drain something off to cause or permit somethingto flow from the surface or contents of something. Drain some of the broth off the chicken. Drain off the fat at the bottom of the pan.See also: drain, off

drain something out of something

 and drain something outto cause something to flow from something; to empty all of some liquid out of something. She drained the last drop out of the bottle. She drained out all the water in the pot.See also: drain, of, out

pour money down the drain

Fig. to waste money; to throw money away. What a waste! Buying that old car is just pouring money down the drain. Don't buy any more of that low-quality merchandise. That's just throwing money down the drain.See also: down, drain, money, pour

brain drain

The departure of educated or talented persons for better pay or jobs elsewhere, as in The repression of free speech in Germany triggered a brain drain to Britain and America. The term originated about 1960, when many British scientists and intellectuals emigrated to the United States for a better working climate. See also: brain, drain

down the drain

On the way to being lost or wasted; disappearing. For example, Buying new furniture when they can't take it with them is just pouring money down the drain , or During the Depression huge fortunes went down the drain. This metaphoric term alludes to water going down a drain and being carried off. [Colloquial; c. 1920] For a synonym, see down the tubes. See also: down, drain

down the drain


down the tubes


down the pan

BRITISHCOMMON If something is going down the drain, down the tubes or down the pan, it is getting worse or being destroyed and it is unlikely to recover. They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain. People don't like to see marriages going down the tubes. Note: Words such as plughole and toilet are sometimes used instead of drain. Neil admitted recently that long working hours mean his personal life has gone down the toilet.1. If money, work, or time has gone down the drain, down the tubes or down the pan, it has been lost or wasted. Over the years, the government has poured billions of dollars down the drain propping up its national airlines and other firms. You have ruined everything — my perfect plans, my great organization. All those years of work are down the drain. Note: Words such as plughole and toilet are sometimes used instead of drain. Millions of dollars have gone down the plughole.See also: down, drain

laugh like a drain

BRITISHIf you laugh like a drain, you laugh noisily. I read my tattered copies of P.G. Wodehouse and laughed like a drain. We glanced across at each other and I saw he was laughing like a drain! Note: The idea is of loud laughter sounding like water disappearing down a drain, and perhaps also of the open mouth resembling the drain. See also: drain, laugh, like

down the drain

totally wasted or spoilt. informal 1930 W. Somerset Maugham The Breadwinner All his savings are gone down the drain. See also: down, drain

laugh like a drain

laugh raucously; guffaw. British informalSee also: drain, laugh, like

the ˈbrain drain

the loss of qualified scientists, doctors, engineers, etc. to another country, especially one where they are paid more for their workSee also: brain, drain

ˌcircle the ˈdrain

(American English) (usually used in the progressive tenses) if something circles the drain it continues to become worse so that it may not be able to survive much longer: It appears the governor’s political career is circling the drain.See also: circle, drain

(go) down the ˈdrain

(British English also (go) down the ˈplughole) (informal) (be) wasted or lost; (get) much worse: He watched his business, which had taken so long to build up, go slowly down the drain.See also: down, drain

laugh like a ˈdrain

(British English) laugh very loudly: When I told him what had happened he laughed like a drain, as if it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.See also: drain, laugh, like

ˌmoney down the ˈdrain

(informal) a waste of money: Her father feels that all her expensive education will just be money down the drain if she gets a job in a cafe.See also: down, drain, money


n. the movement of intellectuals from one country to another where the pay and job opportunities are better. Where there is a good education system, there will always be a brain-drain.

circling (the drain)

tv. & in. to be in the final process of dying; to be in extremis. (Jocular but crude hospital jargon.) Get Mrs. Smith’s son on the phone. She’s circling the drain. See also: circle, drain

down the drain

mod. gone; wasted. A lot of money went down the drain in that Wilson deal. See also: down, drain

drain the bilge

tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. Fred left quickly to drain the bilge. See also: drain

drain the dragon

tv. [for a male] to urinate. (see also dragon = penis.) Bobby? He went to drain the dragon. See also: dragon, drain

make drain babies

n. to masturbate (male). (The genetic material goes down the drain. Clever but contrived.) My social life stinks. I’m limited to making drain babies. See also: baby, drain, make

down the drain

To or into the condition of being wasted or lost: All of our best laid plans are down the drain.See also: down, drain

down the drain

Wasted resources. The term, alluding to water flowing down a drain, was transferred to expending effort or funds on a useless enterprise. “Well, fancy giving money to the Government! Might as well have put it down the drain,” wrote Sir Alan Patrick Herbert (1890–1971) in Too Much. To go down the drain means to become worthless. It was so used by W. Somerset Maugham (The Breadwinner, 1930): “All his savings are gone down the drain.”See also: down, drain



1. a pipe or channel that carries off water, sewage, etc. 2. Surgery a device, such as a tube, for insertion into a wound, incision, or bodily cavity to drain off pus, etc. 3. Electronics the electrode region in a field-effect transistor into which majority carriers flow from the interelectrode conductivity channel


A channel, conduit, or pipe used to remove rain, wastewater, or sewage.



an artificial underground channel (pipe, cavity) for collecting and discharging subsoil waters and for aerating soil. Drains differ according to function (driers, collecting mains), structure, and materials. Pipes are made of such materials as earthenware, wood, and plastic. Cavities are of the mole or the slotted type, filled with gravel or fascines.


[drān] (civil engineering) A channel which carries off surface water. A pipe which carries off liquid sewage. (electricity) current drain (electronics) The region into which majority carriers flow in a field-effect transistor; it is comparable to the collector of a bipolar transistor and the anode of an electron tube.


1. Any pipe in a building-drainage system which carries waste water or water-borne waste. 2. Any pipe or channel for carrying waste water or storm water.


(jargon)(IBM) To allow a system to complete the processing ofits current work before the system becomes unavailable.E.g. draining a device before taking it off-line or tellinga web server in a server farm not to accept any newrequests but to finish processing any requests it has alreadyaccepted.


One side of a field effect transistor. When the gate is pulsed, current flows from the source to the drain, or vice versa depending on the design. See collector.



 [drān] 1. to withdraw liquid gradually.2. any device by which a channel or open area may be established for exit of fluids or purulent material from a cavity, wound, or infected area. See also wound healing.Top, Jackson-Pratt drain. Bottom, Penrose drain. From Lammon et al., 1995.cigarette drain a drain made by drawing a small strip of gauze or surgical sponge into a rubber tube; called also Penrose drain.Jackson-Pratt drain a closed wound drainage system comprising a drainage tube and collection vessel.Penrose drain 1. cigarette drain.2. a thin rubber tube that facilitates drainage from a closed or partially closed area.sump drain a double-lumen drain that allows air entering the drained area through the smaller lumen to displace fluid into the larger lumen.sump-Penrose drain a triple-lumen drain formed by placing a double-lumen tube within a Penrose drain.wound drain see wound drain.


(drān), 1. To remove fluid from a cavity as it forms, for example, to drain an abscess. 2. A device, usually in the shape of a tube or wick, for removing fluid as it collects in a cavity, especially a wound cavity. [A. S. drehnian, to draw off]


(drān)n. A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or into a body or dental cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material.v. To draw off a liquid gradually as it forms.


(drān) 1. To remove fluid from a cavity (e.g., to drain an abscess). 2. A device, usually in the shape of a tube or wick, for removing fluid as it collects in a cavity, especially a wound cavity.


A tube or narrow sheet inserted into a wound or cavity, or put in place during surgery, to allow free discharge of fluid, and prevent its accumulation, while healing is taking place.


(drān) 1. To remove fluid from a cavity as it forms. 2. A device, usually in the shape of a tube or wick, for removing fluid as it collects in a cavity.

Patient discussion about drain

Q. Why is the color draining from my eyes?! When I was little I had rich shiny cobalt blue eyes! As I grew up they faded or just started to dim in color. Being partially blind you can see in my left eye the its a really light color and creamy instead of my deep blue color... Why does my eye color dim?! I didnt think going blind had anything to do with the color of my eyes changing... Or is it something else?! Please, and thank you!A. depends on your blindness, if it is caused by your cornea changing (corneal opacity)- it'll change your eye color to a cloudy white. it can also be caused by cataract.
are those the reason of your blindness?

Q. I feel all my energy is drained. Does anyone have the same problem as I have mentioned? I feel all my energy is drained. I cannot just get up and do stuff. No matter how hard I try, it just doesn't happen. Then I feel worse for not getting anything done. It's getting harder and harder to get even simple tasks done like laundry and doing the dishes. How can I break this cycle? I just don't want to do anything besides sleep. It's so sad. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have the same problem as I have mentioned?A. Well you have to find & get involved in the activities which makes you feel good. I don’t know, I guess you could try imagining a "fantasy reward". Or maybe imagine that you are in tight deadlines and if you don’t get your stuff done immediately you may lose etc. However having said all the above, I sincerely do not want you to get more stressed up. Looks like you certainly needs some motivation after getting you tasks completed and that way you can make your negative energy positive. Good luck brother, I know you’ll get yourself together.

More discussions about drain


Related to Drain: drain off, canal, surgical drain


A trench or ditch to convey water from wet land; a channel through which water may flow off. The word has no technical legal meaning. Any hollow space in the ground, natural or artificial, where water is collected and passes off, is a ditch or drain.

Also, sometimes, the Easement or servitude (acquired by grant or prescription) that consists of the right to drain water through another's land.

A number of states have drainage statutes in order to protect the welfare of the public. Such statutes provide for the construction of drains in areas that are swampy, marshy, or overflowed past their natural boundaries. Also contained in drainage statutes are provisions that regulate the creation and organization of drainage districts. The state legislature has the discretion to decide which lands will be included within a particular drainage district. For example, such a district might include territory of a city or village or property in two or more counties.

The specific plan for the construction of a drain is within the discretion of local authorities as modified by limitations or restrictions set forth by state drainage statutes. Only land that will be benefited through drainage improvements should properly be included within a drainage district.

In certain instances, liability has been extended to drainage districts that have failed to maintain existing drains. In order to remedy this situation, in some cases, landowners are given a certain portion of a drain to clean out and maintain in proper repair. Regardless of whether or not a landowner is specifically given the responsibility for maintenance, a landowner may only close or obstruct a drain with his or her neighbors' consent. If the land of an individual is injured because a public drain is being obstructed by a neighbor, then the person can bring suit for the damage resulting therefrom.

Subject to limitations imposed by the U.S. Constitution, a state legislature has the power to authorize drainage districts to prescribe special assessments to cover the cost of drainage improvements. Generally, only those lands included within a particular district are subject to such assessment. In certain states, school lands are exempted from assessments that drainage districts levy. Assessment review boards frequently entertain objections to drainage assessments; however, if no such board exists, assessments are subject to judicial reviews in the courts. A property owner can, therefore, go to court to challenge what he or she believes to be an unjust drainage assessment against his or her land.

DRAIN. Conveying the water from one place to another, for the purpose of drying the former
2. The right of draining water through another map's land. This is an easement or servitude acquired by grant or prescription. Vide 3 Kent, Com. 436 7 Mann. & Gr. 354; Jus aguaeductus; Rain water; Stillicidium.



Related to drain: drain off, canal, surgical drain
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for drain

verb remove


  • remove
  • draw
  • empty
  • withdraw
  • milk
  • tap
  • pump
  • bleed
  • evacuate

verb empty


  • empty
  • unload
  • clear out
  • remove the contents of

verb flow out


  • flow out
  • leak
  • discharge
  • trickle
  • ooze
  • seep
  • exude
  • well out
  • effuse

verb drink up


  • drink up
  • swallow
  • knock back
  • finish
  • sink
  • put away
  • swig
  • guzzle
  • quaff
  • polish off
  • gulp down

verb exhaust


  • exhaust
  • tire
  • wear out
  • strain
  • weaken
  • fatigue
  • weary
  • debilitate
  • prostrate
  • tax
  • tire out
  • enfeeble
  • enervate

verb consume


  • consume
  • waste
  • exhaust
  • empty
  • bleed
  • deplete
  • use up
  • sap
  • dissipate
  • expend
  • swallow up

noun sewer


  • sewer
  • channel
  • pipe
  • sink
  • outlet
  • ditch
  • trench
  • conduit
  • duct
  • culvert
  • watercourse

noun reduction


  • reduction
  • strain
  • drag
  • expenditure
  • exhaustion
  • sapping
  • depletion

phrase down the drain


  • gone
  • lost
  • wasted
  • ruined
  • down the tubes
  • down the pan
  • gone for good

Synonyms for drain

verb to remove (a liquid) by a steady, gradual process


  • draw
  • let out
  • pump
  • tap

verb to grow or cause to grow gradually less


  • abate
  • decrease
  • diminish
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • lessen
  • let up
  • peter
  • rebate
  • reduce
  • tail away
  • taper

verb to lessen or weaken severely, as by removing something essential


  • deplete
  • exhaust
  • impoverish
  • sap
  • use up

verb to use all of


  • consume
  • draw down
  • eat up
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • finish
  • play out
  • run through
  • spend
  • use up
  • polish off

verb to diminish the strength and energy of


  • fatigue
  • jade
  • tire
  • wear
  • wear down
  • wear out
  • weary

noun the act or process of decreasing


  • abatement
  • curtailment
  • cut
  • cutback
  • decrease
  • decrement
  • diminishment
  • diminution
  • reduction
  • slash
  • slowdown
  • taper

Synonyms for drain

noun emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it


  • drainage

Related Words

  • emptying
  • evacuation
  • voidance

noun tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material

Related Words

  • tube
  • tubing
  • surgery

noun a pipe through which liquid is carried away


  • drainpipe
  • waste pipe

Related Words

  • culvert
  • pipage
  • pipe
  • piping
  • scupper
  • sewer
  • sewerage
  • cloaca
  • soil pipe
  • trap

noun a gradual depletion of energy or resources

Related Words

  • depletion
  • drawing off
  • drawing
  • brain drain

verb flow off gradually


  • run out

Related Words

  • course
  • flow
  • run
  • feed

verb deplete of resources

Related Words

  • deplete
  • use up
  • wipe out
  • eat up
  • exhaust
  • run through
  • eat
  • consume

verb empty of liquid

Related Words

  • empty

verb make weak


  • debilitate
  • enfeeble

Related Words

  • weaken
  • emaciate
  • macerate
  • waste




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