Chilkat State Park

Chilkat State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Alaska
Location:7 miles south of Haines on Mud Bay Road.
Facilities:32 campsites, picnic sites, picnic shelter, trails, boat launch, toilets (é), drinking water, visitor center.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, wildlife observation.
Special Features:The log-cabin visitor center affords spectacular views of Chilkat Inletand Rainbow and Davidson glaciers. The center offers viewing scopes forspotting marine wildlife in the inlet such as seals, porpoises, andwhales. Visitors may also glimpse bears and mountain goats on the otherside of the inlet.
Address:c/o Southeast Area Office
400 Willoughby Ave, 4th Fl
Juneau, AK 99801

Size: 9,837 acres.

See other parks in Alaska.