canine fossa

ca·nine fos·sa

[TA] a depression on the anterior surface of the maxilla below the infraorbital foramen and on the lateral side of the canine eminence. Synonym(s): fossa canina [TA]

canine fossa

A bony depression lateral to the incisive fossa, which is larger and deeper, separated therefrom by the vertical canine eminence and the site of origin of the levator anguli oris (caninus muscle).

ca·nine fos·sa

(kānīn fosă) [TA] Depression on anterior maxillary surface below the infraorbital foramen and on the lateral side of the canine eminence.
Synonym(s): fossa canina [TA] .

ca·nine fos·sa

(kānīn fosă) [TA] Depression on anterior surface of the maxilla below infraorbital foramen and on lateral side of canine eminence.