

单词 bluff


bluff 1

B0350500 (blŭf)v. bluffed, bluff·ing, bluffs v.intr.1. To engage in a false display of confidence or aggression in order to deceive or intimidate someone: The management debated if there would really be a strike or if the union was bluffing.2. To make a display of aggression, as by charging or baring the teeth, as a means of intimidating another animal.3. To try to mislead opponents in a card game by heavy betting on a poor hand or by little or no betting on a good one.v.tr.1. To deceive or intimidate (someone) by a false display of confidence or aggression.2. To try to mislead (opponents) in a card game by heavy betting on a poor hand or by little or no betting on a good one.3. To start but not carry out (an action) as a means of deceiving or intimidating another: The pitcher bluffed a throw to first base.n. The act or practice of bluffing.Idiom: bluff (one's) way To deceive someone or accomplish something by making a false display.
[Origin unknown.]
bluff′a·ble adj.bluff′er n.

bluff 2

B0350500 (blŭf)n. A steep headland, promontory, riverbank, or cliff.adj. bluff·er, bluff·est 1. Having or showing a rough and blunt but not unkind manner: "the great big bluff guests who told bawdy jokes and got up early to watch the sun rise" (Erin McGraw).2. Having a broad, steep front: the boat's bluff bow.
[Probably from obsolete Dutch blaf or Middle Low German blaff, broad.]
bluff′ly adv.bluff′ness n.


(blʌf) vbto pretend to be confident about an uncertain issue or to have undisclosed resources, in order to influence or deter (someone)n1. deliberate deception intended to create the impression of a stronger position or greater resources than one actually has2. call someone's bluff to challenge someone to give proof of his claims[C19: originally US poker-playing term, from Dutch bluffen to boast] ˈbluffer n


(blʌf) n1. (Physical Geography) a steep promontory, bank, or cliff, esp one formed by river erosion on the outside bend of a meander2. Canadian a clump of trees on the prairie; copseadj3. good-naturedly frank and hearty4. (Physical Geography) (of a bank, cliff, etc) presenting a steep broad face[C17 (in the sense: nearly perpendicular): perhaps from Middle Dutch blaf broad] ˈbluffly adv ˈbluffness n



adj. -er, -est,
n. adj. 1. good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank; heartily outspoken. 2. presenting a bold and nearly perpendicular front: a bluff, precipitous headland. n. 3. a cliff, headland, or hill with a broad, steep face. 4. Upper Midwest and Canada. a clump or grove of trees in a generally treeless area. [1620–30] bluff′ly, adv. bluff′ness, n.


v.t. 1. to mislead or intimidate by a display of strength, self-confidence, or the like. 2. to achieve by bluffing: to bluff one's way into a job. 3. to deceive (an opponent in poker) by betting heavily on a weak hand. v.i. 4. to put on a bold or self-confident front in order to mislead. n. 5. an act or instance of bluffing. 6. a person who bluffs; bluffer. Idioms: call someone's bluff, to challenge someone to carry out a threat. [1665–75] bluff′a•ble, adj. bluff′er, n.


Past participle: bluffed
Gerund: bluffing
I bluff
you bluff
he/she/it bluffs
we bluff
you bluff
they bluff
I bluffed
you bluffed
he/she/it bluffed
we bluffed
you bluffed
they bluffed
Present Continuous
I am bluffing
you are bluffing
he/she/it is bluffing
we are bluffing
you are bluffing
they are bluffing
Present Perfect
I have bluffed
you have bluffed
he/she/it has bluffed
we have bluffed
you have bluffed
they have bluffed
Past Continuous
I was bluffing
you were bluffing
he/she/it was bluffing
we were bluffing
you were bluffing
they were bluffing
Past Perfect
I had bluffed
you had bluffed
he/she/it had bluffed
we had bluffed
you had bluffed
they had bluffed
I will bluff
you will bluff
he/she/it will bluff
we will bluff
you will bluff
they will bluff
Future Perfect
I will have bluffed
you will have bluffed
he/she/it will have bluffed
we will have bluffed
you will have bluffed
they will have bluffed
Future Continuous
I will be bluffing
you will be bluffing
he/she/it will be bluffing
we will be bluffing
you will be bluffing
they will be bluffing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bluffing
you have been bluffing
he/she/it has been bluffing
we have been bluffing
you have been bluffing
they have been bluffing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bluffing
you will have been bluffing
he/she/it will have been bluffing
we will have been bluffing
you will have been bluffing
they will have been bluffing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bluffing
you had been bluffing
he/she/it had been bluffing
we had been bluffing
you had been bluffing
they had been bluffing
I would bluff
you would bluff
he/she/it would bluff
we would bluff
you would bluff
they would bluff
Past Conditional
I would have bluffed
you would have bluffed
he/she/it would have bluffed
we would have bluffed
you would have bluffed
they would have bluffed
Noun1.bluff - a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)bluff - a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)bank - a long ridge or pile; "a huge bank of earth"
2.bluff - pretense that your position is stronger than it really is; "his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted"dissembling, feigning, pretense, pretence - pretending with intention to deceive
3.bluff - the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cardsfour flushdissimulation, deception, dissembling, deceit - the act of deceiving
Verb1.bluff - deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning handbluff outcard game, cards - a game played with playing cardsmove, go - have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
2.bluff - frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really isaffright, fright, frighten, scare - cause fear in; "The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me"; "Ghosts could never affright her"
Adj.1.bluff - very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front; "a bluff headland"; "where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise"; "a sheer descent of rock"bold, sheersteep - having a sharp inclination; "the steep attic stairs"; "steep cliffs"
2.bluff - bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured; "a bluff but pleasant manner"; "a bluff and rugged natural leader"direct - straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"


1noun1. deception, show, lie, fraud, fake, sham, pretence, deceit, bravado, bluster, humbug, subterfuge, feint, mere show The letter was a bluff.verb1. deceive, lie, trick, fool, pretend, cheat, con, fake, mislead, sham, dupe, feign, delude, humbug, bamboozle (informal), hoodwink, double-cross (informal), pull the wool over someone's eyes He tried to bluff his way through another test and failed it.


2noun1. precipice, bank, peak, cliff, ridge, crag, escarpment, promontory, scarp a high bluff over the Congaree Riveradjective1. hearty, open, frank, blunt, sincere, outspoken, honest, downright, cordial, genial, affable, ebullient, jovial, plain-spoken, good-natured, unreserved, back-slapping a man with a bluff exterior
hearty sensitive, diplomatic, delicate, thoughtful, discreet, judicious, tactful


verbTo cause to accept what is false, especially by trickery or misrepresentation:beguile, betray, cozen, deceive, delude, double-cross, dupe, fool, hoodwink, humbug, mislead, take in, trick.Informal: bamboozle, have.Slang: four-flush.Idioms: lead astray, play false, pull the wool over someone's eyes, put something over on, take for a ride.


(blaf) adjective rough, hearty and frank. a bluff and friendly manner. 粗率的 粗率的


(blaf) verb to try to deceive by pretending to have something that one does not have. He bluffed his way through the exam without actually knowing anything. 詐騙 以假象欺骗,吹牛 noun an act of bluffing. 詐騙 欺骗,吹牛




you can't bluff a bluffer

It is very difficult to fool someone who is experienced in the ways of fooling other people. I know Bill thinks he can keep up with these star poker players, but you can't bluff a bluffer—they'll see through him for sure!See also: bluff

bluff (someone) into (something)

To mislead someone into doing something, holding some position, or making some decision, often by making a false promise or lying about the purported consequences or result. I used to be able to bluff my little sister into cleaning my room, but she's wary now since I never actually give her the candy I promise. Jeff tried to bluff management into giving him a raise by claiming he had several job offers elsewhere.See also: bluff

bluff (someone) out of (something)

To mislead someone in order to take something from them. I can't believe Jon bluffed me out of ten bucks by claiming he was collecting money for charity.See also: bluff, of, out

bluff (one's) way into (something)

To gain access to a particular place or thing through deceit. We tried to bluff our way into the party, but we were immediately recognized as freshmen and told to leave.See also: bluff, way

bluff (one's) way out of (something)

To escape a negative situation through deceit. My brother is a good liar, but even he couldn't bluff his way out of that speeding ticket. I bluffed my way out of taking the test by saying I had a bad headache.See also: bluff, of, out, way

call (one's) bluff

1. To challenge someone to act on their threat or prove that their claim or boast is true, when one believes they are making a false claim or idle threat (i.e. bluffing). He insisted that he could run faster than me, but when I called his bluff, he suddenly said he had to go home.2. To disprove a bluff. Whereas the first usage simply indicates a challenge, this usage indicates that the challenge resulted in the disproval. I don't know why he keeps making these outrageous claims. I've been calling his bluff for years and making him look like a fool.See also: bluff, call

bluff (one's) way

To achieve or accomplish something through deceit or by making a false display. (Usually followed by "into," "out of," or "through.") We tried to bluff our way into the party, but we were immediately recognized as freshmen and told to leave. My brother is a good liar, but even he couldn't bluff his way out of that speeding ticket. I managed to bluff my way through the presentation with a lot of vague ideas and corporate buzz words.See also: bluff, way

bluff (one's) way through (something)

To use guesswork or a false display as a means of completing or accomplishing something. I managed to bluff my way through the presentation with a lot of vague ideas and corporate buzz words. I hadn't studied for the test, so I just bluffed my way through it.See also: bluff, through, way

bluff one's way out (of something)

to get out of a difficult situation by deception or cunning. I will try to bluff my way out of this mess.See also: bluff, out, way

bluff someone into something

to mislead or deceive someone into doing something. Are you trying to bluff me into giving up without a fight? I won't be bluffed into revealing the whereabouts of the safe.See also: bluff

bluff someone out (of something)

to get something away from someone through deception. We bluffed her out of her share of the pie. I bluffed Liz out of her rightful turn to drive.See also: bluff, out

call someone's bluff

to demand that someone prove a claim or is not being deceptive. All right, I'll call your bluff. Show me you can do it! Tom said, "You've made me really angry, and I'll punch you if you come any closer!" "Go ahead," said Bill, calling his bluff.See also: bluff, call

call someone's bluff

Expose someone's deception, invite a showdown, as in I don't believe they have enough capital; I'm going to call their bluff. This term comes from poker, where bluffing (pretending) that one has better cards than one's opponents is an intrinsic part of the game, and calling someone's bluff means forcing them to show their cards. By the late 1800s it was being applied to other enterprises. Also see show one's hand. See also: bluff, call

call someone's bluff

COMMON If someone has made a threat and you call their bluff, you tell them to do what they are threatening to do, knowing that they probably will not do it. Mr Lukanov warned that he would deal severely with any protest actions in the universities. Now that the students have called his bluff, it remains to be seen what Mr Lukanov can do. The Socialists have finally decided to call the opposition's bluff, and it looks as if they have succeeded. Note: In poker (= a card game), a player who is bluffing is playing as though they have good cards when in fact they have bad cards. If another player calls the first player's bluff, they increase their stake (=the amount of money that is risked) to the required amount and ask the first player to show their cards. See also: bluff, call

call someone's bluff

challenge someone to carry out a stated intention, in the expectation of being able to expose it as a false pretence. In the game of poker (which was formerly also known by the name of bluff ), calling someone's bluff meant making an opponent show their hand in order to reveal that its value was weaker than their heavy betting suggested.See also: bluff, call

call somebody’s ˈbluff

give somebody the chance to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe they will not or cannot do it: Next time she offers her resignation, they’ll call her bluff and accept it.If you call somebody’s bluff in the game of poker, you force them to show their cards.See also: bluff, call

bluff (one's) way

To deceive someone or accomplish something by making a false display.See also: bluff, way

call (someone's) bluff

To demand proof for or respond in a challenging way to the claims or threats of another that one presumes to be false. See also: bluff, call

call someone's bluff, to

To uncover a deception, or challenge someone to carry out a threat or prove a dubious point. The term comes from poker, where the players bet as to who has the best poker hand of them all. To bluff is to bet on a hand one does not believe is the best; to call means to match a bet, that is, bet an equivalent amount. When the cards are uncovered, whoever has the best hand wins the entire pot (all the money the players have put up). The term is American in origin and dates, like American poker, from the early 1800s. It was being transferred to other pursuits by the late nineteenth century; “Where shall we be when that bluff is called,” reads an entry in the Congressional Record (March 1896).See also: call



1. a steep promontory, bank, or cliff, esp one formed by river erosion on the outside bend of a meander 2. (of a bank, cliff, etc.) presenting a steep broad face


[bləf] (geography) A steep, high bank. A broad-faced cliff.


Related to bluff: bluff body
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • adj

Synonyms for bluff

noun deception


  • deception
  • show
  • lie
  • fraud
  • fake
  • sham
  • pretence
  • deceit
  • bravado
  • bluster
  • humbug
  • subterfuge
  • feint
  • mere show

verb deceive


  • deceive
  • lie
  • trick
  • fool
  • pretend
  • cheat
  • con
  • fake
  • mislead
  • sham
  • dupe
  • feign
  • delude
  • humbug
  • bamboozle
  • hoodwink
  • double-cross
  • pull the wool over someone's eyes

noun precipice


  • precipice
  • bank
  • peak
  • cliff
  • ridge
  • crag
  • escarpment
  • promontory
  • scarp

adj hearty


  • hearty
  • open
  • frank
  • blunt
  • sincere
  • outspoken
  • honest
  • downright
  • cordial
  • genial
  • affable
  • ebullient
  • jovial
  • plain-spoken
  • good-natured
  • unreserved
  • back-slapping


  • sensitive
  • diplomatic
  • delicate
  • thoughtful
  • discreet
  • judicious
  • tactful

Synonyms for bluff

verb to cause to accept what is false, especially by trickery or misrepresentation


  • beguile
  • betray
  • cozen
  • deceive
  • delude
  • double-cross
  • dupe
  • fool
  • hoodwink
  • humbug
  • mislead
  • take in
  • trick
  • bamboozle
  • have
  • four-flush

Synonyms for bluff

noun a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)

Related Words

  • bank

noun pretense that your position is stronger than it really is

Related Words

  • dissembling
  • feigning
  • pretense
  • pretence

noun the act of bluffing in poker


  • four flush

Related Words

  • dissimulation
  • deception
  • dissembling
  • deceit

verb deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand


  • bluff out

Related Words

  • card game
  • cards
  • move
  • go

verb frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is

Related Words

  • affright
  • fright
  • frighten
  • scare

adj very steep


  • bold
  • sheer

Related Words

  • steep

adj bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured

Related Words

  • direct




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