Anton Francesco Doni
Doni, Anton Francesco
Born May 16, 1513, in Florence; died September 1574 in Monselice. Italian writer, one of the early Utopian socialists, a precursor of T. Campanella. The son of an artisan.
In his works, written in Italian, Doni criticizes the social order of his day, attacking social inequality, parasitism, and ignorance. In the work Worlds, Doni depicted a just social order founded on collective property, universal equality, and the obligation of all to work. The picture he painted of ideal social relations is Utopian and bears the stamp of petit bourgeois leveling, limiting the material and spiritual needs of people.
[Selections.] In Novelly ital’ianskogo Vozrozhdeniia. Moscow, 1913. Pages 191-203. (Translated from Italian.)I Mondi. Venice, 1552-53.
I Marmi. Venice, 1552-53.
La Zucca. Venice, 1551-52.
Chikolini, L. S. “Sotsial’naia utopiia Antonio Francesco Doni.” In the collection Srednie veka, vol. 17. Moscow, 1960.L. S. CHIKOLINI