Anton Ingolic
Ingolič, Anton
Born Jan. 5, 1907, in Spodnja-Polskava. Slovene writer.
Ingolič, the son of a carpenter, graduated from the university in Ljubljana. During Hitler’s occupation he was exiled to Serbia. His works were first published in the mid-1930’s. Ingolič wrote realistic novels and novellas about the life of the peasants. The war of national liberation was reflected in his collections of stories Before Sunrise (1945) and At the Turning Point (1950). His literature dealt with the history of the Slovene proletariat (the novella The Extinguished Valley, 1956). Ingolič also wrote novels about Slovene emigrants (The Swallow Across the Ocean, 1966) and about life in contemporary Yugoslavia (Secondary-school Girl, 1967). He is also the author of plays (the comedy Speckles, 1947) and stories for children (Secret Society PDC, 1958).
Izbrani spisi, [vols.] 1–10. Maribor, 1963–67.In Russian translation:
“Pod ognem vraga.” In Povesti i rasskazy iugoslavskikh pisatelei, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.
Pervye stupen’ki. Moscow, 1967.