dermatan sulfate

der·ma·tan sul·fate

an anticoagulant with properties similar to those of heparin and sharing with heparin a sulfated mucopolysaccharide structure; a repeating polymer of l-iduronic acid and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine. O-Sulfation of iduronic acid residues at the C-2 position and of galactosamine residues at the C-4 and C-6 positions occurs to a variable extent. Synonym(s): chondroitin sulfate B

dermatan sulfate

(dûr′mə-tăn′)n. A glycosaminoglycan that is a structural component of certain body tissues, especially the skin.

der·ma·tan sul·fate

(dĕrmă-tan sŭlfāt) Anticoagulant with properties similar to those of heparin.