Asherman syndrome

trau·mat·ic a·men·or·rhe·a

absence of menses because of endometrial scarring or cervical stenosis resulting from injury or disease. Synonym(s): Asherman syndrome

Asherman syndrome

Obstetrics A condition, most common in the postpartum period which is characterized by intrauterine adhesions, which may result in amenorrhea Treatment D&C

trau·mat·ic a·men·or·rhe·a

(traw-mat'ik ā-men'ŏr-ē'ă) Absence of menses because of endometrial scarring or cervical stenosis resulting from injury or disease.
Synonym(s): Asherman syndrome.


Joseph G., Czech gynecologist, 1889–. Asherman syndrome - synechiae within the endometrial cavity, often causing amenorrhea and infertility.