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dermopathy TranslationsEncyclopediaSeedermatosisdermopathy
dermopathy [der-mop´ah-the] any skin disease; dermatopathy. adj., adj dermopath´ic.diabetic dermopathy any of several cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus.thyroid dermopathy pretibial myxedema.der·ma·top·a·thy (der'mă-top'ă-thē), Any disease of the skin. Synonym(s): dermatopathia [dermato- + G. pathos, suffering] dermatosis A generic term for any skin lesion which, without qualifiers and further information regarding location, timing, and patient details, provides no meaningful information to the dermatologist or histopathologist.der·ma·top·a·thy , dermatosis (dĕr'mă-top'ă-thē, -tō'sis) Any disease of the skin. Synonym(s): dermopathy. [dermato- + G. pathos, suffering] |