Dairy Festival

Dairy Festival

JulyThe dairy capital of Michigan is appropriately named Elsie in honor of the cow in Borden's ads, and although it has fewer than 1,000 residents, there are 20 working dairy farms in the area. One of them is Green Meadow Farms, which boasts the largest herd of registered Holsteins in the United States.
For three days in July each year since 1986, the town of Elsie serves gallons of ice cream at bargain prices. Green Meadow Farms is open to visitors, and there are competitions in cow milking, ice cream eating, and even milk drinking, with competitors using a baby bottle. The 14-foot-tall fiberglass Holstein in the center of town is a popular place for the festival's 20,000 visitors to have their photographs taken.
Village of Elsie
125 W. Main St.
Elsie, MI 48831
989-862-4273; fax: 989-862-5287