

单词 electric chair

electric chair

electric chair

n.1. A device used in the electrocution of a person sentenced to death, consisting of a chair in which the person is restrained and a means of applying a lethal electrical current to the body.2. Execution by means of such a device.3. The sentence of death by means of such a device.

electric chair

(in the US) na. an electrified chair for executing criminalsb. the electric chair execution by this method

elec′tric chair′

n. 1. a chair used to electrocute criminals sentenced to death. 2. the penalty of legal electrocution. [1885–90]
Noun1.electric chair - an instrument of execution by electrocutionelectric chair - an instrument of execution by electrocution; resembles an ordinary seat for one person; "the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair"death chair, hot seat, chairinstrument of execution - an instrument designed and used to take the life of a condemned person


(elekˈtrisəti) noun a form of energy used to give heat, light, power etc. worked by electricity; Don't waste electricity.electric (əˈlektrik) adjective1. of, produced by, or worked by electricity. electric light. 電的 电的2. full of excitement. The atmosphere in the theatre was electric. 令人興奮的 充满刺激的eˈlectrical adjective related to electricity. electrical engineering; electrical appliances; an electrical fault. 電的 电的eˈlectrically adverbIs this machine electrically operated? 透過電力 用电力,电力驱动地 ˌelecˈtrician (-ʃən) noun a person whose job is to make, install, repair etc electrical equipment. The electrician mended the electric fan. 電工 电工eˈlectrified (-faid) adjective supplied or charged with electricity. an electrified fence. 通電的 供电的,充电的 eˈlectrify (-fai) verb1. to convert (a railway etc) to the use of electricity as the moving power. 電氣化 使起电,使电气化 2. to excite or astonish. The news electrified us. 使興奮,使震驚 使兴奋,使震惊 eˌlectrifiˈcation (-fi) noun 電氣化 起电,电气化 eˈlectrifying adjectivean electrifying speech. 令人激動的 令人激动的electric chair a chair used to execute criminals by sending a powerful electric current through them. 電椅 电椅

Electric Chair

Electric Chair


a chair specially equipped for carrying out death sentences by means of a high-voltage electric current. The electric chair is used in 24 states in the USA and in the Philippines. In the USA, the electric chair was introduced in 1899 as the “most humane and easiest” means of effecting capital punishment. It was first used Aug. 6, 1890, at Auburn State Prison in New York. Claims that this form of execution is painless and instantaneous and therefore “humane” have no basis in reality.

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electric chair

Related to electric chair: gas chamber
  • noun

Synonyms for electric chair

noun an instrument of execution by electrocution


  • death chair
  • hot seat
  • chair

Related Words

  • instrument of execution




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