Acronym | Definition |
BNR➣Binary News Reader |
BNR➣Bandata Na Ruba (band) |
BNR➣Banca Nationala a României (National Bank of Romania) |
BNR➣Biological Nutrient Removal (sewage treatment) |
BNR➣Bell Northern Research |
BNR➣Bulgarian National Radio |
BNR➣Backup and Restore |
BNR➣Block Noise Reduction (file compression) |
BNR➣Body Not Recovered |
BNR➣Buy and Replace |
BNR➣But Not Really |
BNR➣Boysnoize Records |
BNR➣Burlington Northern Railroad |
BNR➣Bengal Nagpur Railway (now part of Eastern Railway) |
BNR➣Binary Number |
BNR➣Backus Naur Form (computing symbol) |
BNR➣Beam Non-Uniformity Ratio |
BNR➣Big Nerd Ranch |
BNR➣Broadband Noise Reduction (application) |
BNR➣Bénéfice Non Réparti (French: Non Profit Spread) |
BNR➣Bowen National Research (Pickerington, OH) |
BNR➣Bibliothèque Numérique en Réseau (French: Digital Library Network) |
BNR➣Boston Restaurant Associates, Inc. (former stock symbol; now delisted) |
BNR➣By Name Request |
BNR➣Bureau of Natural Resources |
BNR➣Bureau National de Renseignements (French: National Information Bureau) |
BNR➣Boeuf de Nos Régions (French cattle industry oversight group) |
BNR➣B-type Noise Reduction (Dolby Labs) |
BNR➣bladder neck resection |
BNR➣Build Not Received |
BNR➣Boyle Norman Roberts (band) |
BNR➣Big Nasty Rascal |
BNR➣Bird Nest Roys (band) |