释义 |
exoantigen ec·to·an·ti·gen (ek'tō-an'ti-jen), Any toxin or other excitor of antibody formation, separate or separable from its source. Synonym(s): exoantigenexoantigen A nonspecific term for any non-self-antigen; this term is not commonly used in the working biomedical parlance.ec·to·an·ti·gen (ek'tō-an'ti-jen) Any toxin or other excitor of antibody formation, separate or separable from its source. Synonym(s): exoantigen. exoantigen (ĕks″ō-ăn′tĭ-jĕn) [″ + ″] A soluble antigen found on the surface of a microorganism, identified in the supernatant of a culture of that organism. |