

单词 des



abbr.1. data encryption standard2. diethylstilbestrol


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Department of Education and Science


Noun1.DES - a potent estrogen used in medicine and in feed for livestock and poultrydiethylstilbestrol, diethylstilboestrol, stilbestrol, stilboestrolestrogen, oestrogen - a general term for female steroid sex hormones that are secreted by the ovary and responsible for typical female sexual characteristics
2.DES - synthetic nonsteroid with the properties of estrogen; formerly used to treat menstrual problems but was found to be associated with vaginal cancers in the daughters of women so treated during pregnancydiethylstilbesterol, stilbesterolnonsteroid, nonsteroidal - an organic compound that does no contain a steroid




and dec (dis) n. December. (Securities markets. Futures and options trading.) The bean futures for des fell out of bed yesterday. Sell the aks and buy the des.





(dī'ĕth'əlstĭlbĕs`trôl), synthetic nonsteroid female sex hormone having the same physiological effects as estrogenestrogen
, any one of a group of hormones synthesized by the reproductive organs and adrenal glands in females and, in lesser quantities, in males. The estrogens cause the thickening of the lining of the uterus and vagina in the early phase of the ovulatory, or menstrual, cycle
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. In the 1940s and 50s DES was mistakenly believed to reduce the risk of miscarriage and was routinely prescribed for pregnant women believed to be at risk. In fact, it was later found to increase the risk of miscarriage and was then tested in a "morning-after" pill, a contraceptive pill that is taken after intercourse. In the late 1960s and early 70s a group of Boston physicians found that women whose mothers had taken DES during pregnancy had an unusually high rate of vaginal cancer, and it has since been implicated in various reproductive disorders and other conditions in female and male children of such mothers. The use of DES to prevent miscarriage was banned in 1973; its use as a growth accelerator in beef cattle was banned in 1979. It currently finds some use in the hormone treatment of certain types of cancercancer,
in medicine, common term for neoplasms, or tumors, that are malignant. Like benign tumors, malignant tumors do not respond to body mechanisms that limit cell growth.
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(communications) data encryption standard (biochemistry) diethylstilbesterol


Data Encryption Standard


(1) (Digital Entertainment System) See digital media server.

(2) (Data Encryption Standard) A NIST-standard cryptographic cipher that uses a 56-bit key. Adopted by the NIST in 1977, it was replaced by AES in 2001 as the official standard. DES is a symmetric block cipher that processes 64-bit blocks in four different modes of operation, with the electronic code book (ECB) being the most popular.

Triple DES
By adding various multiple-pass methods, Triple DES increased security; for example, encrypting with one key, decrypting the results with a second key and encrypting it again with a third. However, the extra passes added considerable computing time to the process. DES is still used in applications that do not require the strongest security. See cipher, cryptography, NIST, AES and Fortezza.



 (DES) [di-eth″il-stil-bes´trol] a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen used for palliative treatment of prostatic carcinoma and sometimes advanced breast carcinoma. It was formerly used to relieve vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause, and in primary ovarian failure, female hypogonadism, vaginitis" >atrophic vaginitis, kraurosis vulvae, and female castration. Most significantly, however, it was formerly widely used to prevent threatened abortion and premature labor. The female children who were thus exposed to the drug as fetuses have tended to have a variety of cervical abnormalities and an increased risk of adenocarcinoma" >clear cell adenocarcinoma of the reproductive tract. Male offspring have sometimes had abnormal genitalia, epididymal cysts, and abnormal semen analyses. Regular examinations and follow-up are indicated for these individuals.


Abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol.


abbr.1. data encryption standard2. diethylstilbestrol


Abbreviation for:
deadly seven
dental environmental stress
dermal-epidermal separation
diffuse endocrine system
Directed Enhanced Service 
distal esophageal sphincter (US)
drug-eluting stent
dry eye syndrome


Diethylstilbestrol Gynecology A synthetic estrogen more potent than natural estrogens; DES use during pregnancy was banned in 1972, as in utero exposure before the 18th gestational wk results in a 3-fold ↑ in congental abnormalities–without impairing fertility or sexual function—and vaginal wall adenosis in 35-70% of exposed ♀ infants; 0.14% of cases progress to vaginal adenocarcinoma; other DES changes include obliteration of vaginal fornices, microglandular hyperplasia of the cervix–cervical ectropion, transverse ridging–appearance, and a 2.5-fold ↑ in 1º infertility Treatment Aggressive surgery–eg, vaginectomy, hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy. See Cockscomb cervix.


Abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol.




A synthetic preparation possessing estrogenic properties. It is several times more potent than natural estrogens and may be given orally. It is used therapeutically in the treatment of menopausal disturbances and other disorders due to estrogen deficiencies.


Diethylstilbestrol should not be administered during pregnancy. Such use has been found to be related to subsequent vaginal malignancies in the daughters of mothers who were given it.

This drug was once used extensively during pregnancy to treat threatened and habitual abortion. An estimated 5 million to 10 million Americans received DES during pregnancy or were exposed to the drug in utero. Those who were exposed to DES in utero were found to be at risk of developing reproductive tract abnormalities such as clear-cell cervicovaginal cancer in women and reproductive tract abnormalities in men. These findings were reported in 1970; the use of the drug during pregnancy was subsequently banned in the U.S. in 1971 and in Europe in 1978. Women who took the drug are now known as DES mothers and their daughters and sons are known as DES daughters and DES sons, respectively.

See: daughter, DES; DES syndrome


S18-896900 (stent) [Charles Thomas Stent, Brit. dentist, 1845–1901] 1. Originally, a compound used in making dental molds.2. Any material or device used to hold tissue in place, to maintain open blood vessels, or to provide a support for a graft or anastomosis while healing is taking place.

airway stent

A tube or catheter used as a scaffold to keep an airway open. It is used, e.g., to maintain the patency of a trachea or bronchus that has collapsed as a result of compression by neighboring tissues.

bare metal stent

A vascular stent made of stainless steel or related materials. It is designed to hold an artery open with simple mechanical support. See: drug-eluting stent

covered stent

A stent whose supportive lattice is coated with biocompatible fabric or plastic, e.g., Dacron, polytetrafluoroethylene, or silicone.

drug-eluting stent

Abbreviation: DES
A stent coated with medications that it releases into surrounding intimal cells. It is designed to keep the lumen of an artery from closing both by holding the artery open and by retarding the growth of the vascular endothelium into the stent. See: bare metal stent

endoluminal stent

A stent placed inside a tubular structure or organ.

endovascular stent

A stent placed inside an artery or a vein.

esophageal stent

A tube inserted into the esophagus to open a stricture.INSERTION OF A CORONARY ARTERY STENT: (A) A balloon catheter with a collapsed stent is advanced to the location of a coronary artery lesion. (B) The balloon is inflated, which expands the stent and compresses the lesion to increase the artery opening. (C) The balloon is then deflated and removed, leaving the expanded stent in place to prevent the artery from closing.INSERTION OF A CORONARY ARTERY STENT: (A) A balloon catheter with a collapsed stent is advanced to the location of a coronary artery lesion. (B) The balloon is inflated, which expands the stent and compresses the lesion to increase the artery opening. (C) The balloon is then deflated and removed, leaving the expanded stent in place to prevent the artery from closing.INSERTION OF A CORONARY ARTERY STENT: (A) A balloon catheter with a collapsed stent is advanced to the location of a coronary artery lesion. (B) The balloon is inflated, which expands the stent and compresses the lesion to increase the artery opening. (C) The balloon is then deflated and removed, leaving the expanded stent in place to prevent the artery from closing.

intraluminal coronary artery stent

A stent made of an inert material, usually metallic, with a self-expanding mesh introduced into the coronary artery. It is used to prevent lumen closure (restenosis) following bypass surgery and to treat acute vessel closure after angioplasty. See: illustration

self-expanding stent

A stent that opens on its own after it is deployed to the lumen it is intended to occupy, e.g., a blood vessel, tube, or organ.

short stent

Spot stent.

spot stent

A stent that is deployed across a focal, severe obstruction in a lumen rather than across a longer but less extensively diseased portion it. Synonym: short stent

urologic stent

A biologically compatible stent inserted into the ureter or urethra to relieve or prevent urinary tract obstruction. Such stents are commonly placed in the urinary tract after endoureterotomy and endopyelotomy.

drug-eluting stent

Abbreviation: DES
A stent coated with medications that it releases into surrounding intimal cells. It is designed to keep the lumen of an artery from closing both by holding the artery open and by retarding the growth of the vascular endothelium into the stent. See: bare metal stentSee also: stent




The abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic form of estrogen that was widely prescribed to women from 1940 to 1970 to prevent complications. It was linked to several serious birth defects and disorders of the reproductive system in daughters of women who took DES. In 1971, the FDA suggested it not be used during pregnancy and banned its use in 1979 as a growth promoter in livestock.Mentioned in: Colposcopy


Abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol.



Abbreviation for "Delivered Ex Ship."

Delivered Ex Ship

In international commerce, an agreement between a buyer and a seller in which the seller must bear all costs and risks of transporting a good until it has arrived at a port and has been made available for the buyer or his/her agent to retrieve it. That is, the seller has total responsibility while the good is being shipped overseas. The seller must pay the shipping company and purchase insurance for the good. See also: Incoterm.


DESData Encryption Standard (US)
DESDepartment of Environmental Services (New Hampshire)
DESDescription (File Name Extension)
DESDepartment of Emergency Services (Australia)
DESDepartment of Education and Science
DESDigital Elevation Model
DESDestroyer (short form)
DESDiplôme d'Etudes Secondaires (French: High School Diploma; Canada)
DESDepartment of Economics and Statistics (various locations)
DESDouble Edged Sword (gaming clan)
DESDepartment of Economic Security (Arizona)
DESDiscrete-Event Simulation
DESDistance Education System
DESDiplôme d'Etudes Supérieures (French: Higher Education Diploma)
DESDevelopment and Engineering Services (various locations)
DESDepartment of Educational Studies (various schools)
DESDrug Eluting Stent
DESDigital Enterprise Solutions (China)
DESDelta Energy Systems (power supplies; Delta Group)
DESDark Energy Survey (astronomy)
DESDisability Employment Services
DESDivision of Employment Security (various locations)
DESDag-Erling Smørgrav (web developer)
DESDynamic Energy Saver (computing)
DESDiffuse Esophageal Spasm
DESDelivered Ex Ship (shipping)
DESDiebold Election Systems (now Premier Election Solutions)
DESDiplôme d'Études Spécialisées (French: Higher Education)
DESDry Eye Syndrome (aka Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca)
DESDepartment of Exceptional Students (Atlanta, GA)
DESDéclaration Européenne de Services (French: European Declaration of Services; EU)
DESDigital Education Services (various organizations)
DESDocument Exchange Server (software; Kofax)
DESDrug Enforcement Section (various locations)
DESDisability Equality Scheme (UK)
DESDefense Electronic Systems
DESData Encryption Standard
DESDirect Expense Schedule
DESData Exchange Standard
DESDigital Encryption Standard
DESDecrement Stack Pointer
DESDell Enterprise Showcase
DESData Entry System
DESData Exchange System
DESData Execution System
DESDescription File
DESDatabase and Engineering Services
DESDiscrete Event System
DESDisability Evaluation System (US military)
DESDetached-Eddy Simulation
DESDirector of Emergency Services
DESData Exchange Software (various organizations)
DESData Element Set
DESDirectorate of Emergency Services
DESDisaster and Emergency Services
DESDepartment of Employment Services
DESDietary Energy Supply (Refers to number of calories consumed daily per person)
DESDeep Ecliptic Survey (astronomy)
DESDivision of Emergency Services (FEMA)
DESDivision of Earth Sciences
DESDefense Enterprise Solutions (Northrop Grumman)
DESDisaster Emergency Services (FEMA)
DESDirect Educational Services, Ltd. (UK)
DESDissociative Experience Scale (human psychology)
DESDivision of Engineering Services (Indian Health Service; US DHHS)
DESDraft European Standard
DESDivision of Environmental Services
DESDestination End System
DESDraft Environmental Statement
DESData Entry Sheet
DESDivision of Environmental Sciences
DESDirection des établissements de Santé (French; Senegal)
DESDivision of Economic Support (Wisconsin)
DESData Element Standardization
DESDigital Encryption System(s)
DESDysequilibrium Syndrome
DESDirectorate of Evaluation and Standardization
DESDelaware Engineering Society
DESDepartamento de Economia da Saúde (Portugese, Brazil)
DESDiabetes Education Society
DESDiploma in English Studies
DESDoppler Echocardiography Study
DESDoctor of Environmental Studies
DESDrilling Equipment Set (oil industry)
DESDental Equipment Set
DESDistributed End System
DESDigital Electronic Signal
DESDynamic Environmental Scan
DESData Extraction Segment
DESDewar Elementary School (Valdosta, GA)
DESDismounted Entry Switch
DESDigital Echo Suppressor
DESData Entry Specification
DESDigital Extend Signal
DESDebt Elimination Specialists LLC
DESDigital Electronic Switch
DESDifferential Evolution Strategy
DESData Enhancement System (NASA)
DESData Erased Systematically
DESDynamic Electronic Systems (Houston, TX)
DESDi-2-Ethylhexel Sebecate
DESDealer Evaluation System
DESData Editing Subsystem
DESDigital Electronics Sub-System
DESDistribution and Execution System (Army)
DESDOSECC (Drilling, Observation and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust) Exploration Services, LLC (Salt Lake City, UT)


  • noun

Synonyms for DES

noun a potent estrogen used in medicine and in feed for livestock and poultry


  • diethylstilbestrol
  • diethylstilboestrol
  • stilbestrol
  • stilboestrol

Related Words

  • estrogen
  • oestrogen

noun synthetic nonsteroid with the properties of estrogen


  • diethylstilbesterol
  • stilbesterol

Related Words

  • nonsteroid
  • nonsteroidal




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