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DictionarySeesyndromeFoix-Alajouanine syndrome
Foix-A·la·jou·a·ni·ne syn·drome (fwah ah-lah-zhū-ah-nēn'), subacute, ascending paraplegia, dissociated sensory loss, and sphincter disturbances, resulting from a progressive ischemic myelopathy caused by thrombosis of the spinal veins.Foix-A·la·jou·a·nine syn·drome (fwah-ah-lah-zhū-ah-nēn' sindrōm) Subacute, ascending paraplegia, dissociated sensory loss, and sphincter disturbances, resulting from a progressive ischemic myelopathy caused by thrombosis of the spinal veins. Foix, Charles, French neurologist, 1882-1927. Foix syndrome - paralysis of cranial nerves III through VI resulting in proptosis and eyelid edema; trigeminal neuralgia may also be present.Foix-Alajouanine myelitis - a disorder of the lower spinal cord in adult males resulting in progressive paraplegia. Synonym(s): subacute necrotizing myelitisFoix-Alajouanine syndrome - thrombophlebitis of spinal veins resulting in a subacute ascending painful flaccid paralysis from necrotic myelitis.Foix-Cavany-Marie syndrome - constellation of faciopharyngoglossomasticatory diplegia, usually caused by bilateral large artery infarcts of the opercular cortex.
Alajouanine, Théophile, French neurologist, 1890-1980. Foix-Alajouanine myelitis - see under FoixFoix-Alajouanine syndrome - see under Foix |