释义 |
com·mis·sure C0511300 (kŏm′ə-sho͝or′)n.1. A line or place at which two things are joined.2. Anatomy a. A tract of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the spinal cord or brain.b. The point or surface where two parts, such as the eyelids, lips, or cardiac valves, join or form a connection.3. Botany The surface or place along which two structures, such as carpels, are joined. [Middle English, from Latin commissūra, from commissus, past participle of committere, to join; see commit.] com′mis·su′ral adj.TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeCommissurecommissuralenUK
com·mis·sur·al (kom'i-syūr'ăl), Relating to a commissure.com·mis·sur·al (kom-i-shŭr'ăl) Relating to a commissure. commissure (kom'i-shur?) [ commissura] 1. In the central nervous system, an axon tract that crosses the midline (sagittal) plane between two homologous and symmetric structures, e.g., the corpus callosum, which interconnects the right and left cerebral cortices.2. The meeting of two structures, as the lips, eyelids, or labia, across the midline (sagittal) plane. commissural (kom?i-shur'al), adjectiveanterior commissureA symmetric axon tract running transversely through the lamina terminalis and connecting the right and left temporal cortices.commissure of the fornixHippocampal commissure.Gudden inferior commissure See: Gudden inferior commissurehabenular commissureA group of decussating axons of the stria medullaris. The stria medullaris contains axons projecting to the habenula from the septal nuclei, the preoptic hypothalamus, and the anterior thalamic nuclei; those stria medullaris axons that project to the contralateral habenula cross the midline plane via the habenular commissure. hippocampal commissureA thin sheet of axons from the fornix that cross the midline plane under the posterior sector of the corpus callosum and interconnect homologous fields of the right and left hippocampi. Synonym: commissure of fornixMeynert commissure See: Meynert commissurepalpebral commissureThe union of the upper and lower eyelids at each end of the palpebral fissure.posterior commissureAn axon tract running transversely through the gray matter that forms the roof of the cerebral aqueduct in the midbrain. This tract contains commissural axons interconnecting the right and left pretectal areas; it also contains decussating axons from each pretectal area to the contralateral Edinger-Westphal nucleus. posterior commissure of spinal cordThe gray commissure connecting the halves of the spinal cord, lying behind the central canal.tectal commissureA symmetric axon tract running transversely through the ventral tectum of the midbrain and interconnecting the right and left superior colliculi.ThesaurusSeecommissure |