Francis Willughby

Willughby, Francis


Born 1635 in Middleton; died there July 3,1672. English naturalist and traveler.

In his research and writings, Willughby collaborated closely with J. Ray. Between 1663 and 1666 he traveled extensively in Europe, collecting specimens of animals that he later began classifying according to morphological features and habitat. He was able, however, to work out a classification system only for birds and fish before his untimely death. The material he left behind was completed and published by Ray.

Willughby and Ray’s system for classifying animals was later developed further by C. Linnaeus.


The Ornithology of Francis Willughby, in Three Books. London, 1678.
De historiapiscium. Oxford, 1686.


Plavil’shchikov, N. N. Ocherki poistorii zoologii. Moscow, 1941.