endometrial menstrual cycle

endometrial menstrual cycle

the period during which the oocyte matures in the ovary, is ovulated, and enters the uterus through the uterine tube; ovarian hormonal secretions affect endometrial changes. The endometrial menstrual cycle has four phases: proliferative, luteal, ischemic, and menstrual. The cycle lasts an average of 28 days with day 1 of the cycle designated as that day on which menstruation (menstrual flow) begins. Compare: menstrual cycle.

menstrual cycle

A monthly cycle that occurs in women from menarche (the first onset of menstruation) to menopause (the cessation of thereof), which is measured from the beginning of one menstrual period to the beginning of the next, ±28 days. The menstrual cycle is characterised by changes in hormone levels and physical changes in the endometrium, and prepares the latter for implantation of an embryo.