August 7, 2021

August 7, 2021


All-American Soap Box Derby (First Saturday in August)
Baths of Caracalla (First week in July to second week in August)
Billy the Kid Pageant (First weekend in August)
Colombia Battle of Boyacá Day
C™te d'Ivoire Independence Day
Dog Days (July 3-August 11)
Dublin Irish Festival (First weekend in August)
Emancipation Day (First weekend in August)Celebrated in: Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, United States
Florida, Kansas, Puerto Rico, Texas

Feast of the Blessed Sacrament (First weekend in August)
Festival Interceltique (First Friday in August until second Sunday in August)
Festival of El Salvador del Mundo (First week in August)
Gift of the Waters Pageant (First full weekend in August)
Great Wardmote of the Woodmen of Arden (First week in August)
Hambletonian Harness Racing Classic (First Saturday in August)
Icelandic Festival (First weekend in August)
Kiribati Youth Day
Marian Days (First weekend of August)
Merengue Festival (Last week in July-first week in August)
National Czech Festival (First full weekend in August)
Nebuta Matsuri (August 2-7)
Oakley Festival (First weekend in August)
Purple Heart Day
Sheboygan Bratwurst Days (First weekend in August)
Sinjska Alka (First weekend in August)
Steinbeck Festival (First week in August)
Telluride Jazz Festival (First weekend in August)
Thjodhatid (First weekend in August)
Twins Days Festival (First full weekend in August)
Zambia Farmers Day

Legal Holidays by Countries

Battle of Boyacá DayColombia
Independence DayCote d'Ivoire