

D0156000 (dĭ-sĕnd′)v. de·scend·ed, de·scend·ing, de·scends v.intr.1. To move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down.2. To slope, extend, or incline downward: "A rough path descended like a steep stair into the plain" (J.R.R. Tolkien).3. a. To be related by genetic descent from an individual or individuals in a previous generation: He descends from Norwegian immigrants.b. To come down from a source; derive: a tradition descending from colonial days.c. To pass by inheritance: The house has descended through four generations.4. To lower oneself; stoop: "She, the conqueror, had descended to the level of the conquered" (James Bryce).5. To proceed or progress downward, as in rank, pitch, or scale: titles listed in descending order of importance; notes that descended to the lower register.6. To arrive or attack in a sudden or overwhelming manner: summer tourists descending on the seashore To move from a higher to lower part of; go down: I descended the staircase into the basement.2. To extend or proceed downward along: a road that descended the mountain in sharp curves.Idiom: be descended from To be related to (an ancestor) by genetic descent from an individual or individuals in a previous generation: She claims to be descended from European royalty.
[Middle English descenden, from Old French descendre, from Latin dēscendere : dē-, de- + scandere, to climb; see skand- in Indo-European roots.]
de·scend′i·ble, de·scend′a·ble adj.


(dɪˈsɛndɪd) adj1. (Genetics) (foll by: from) connected by a blood relationship (to a dead or extinct individual, race, species, etc): descended from some Scottish lord. 2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) (foll by: from) connected by a blood relationship (to a dead or extinct individual, race, species, etc): descended from some Scottish lord.