

, areata (ā-rē-ā'tŭs, -tă), Occurring in patches or circumscribed areas. [L.]


, areatus (ar″ē-āt′ă) (ar″ē-āt′ŭs) [ area] Occurring in circumscribed areas or patches.

Patient discussion about areata

Q. I would like to get more information about Alopesia Areata(hair losing,bald spots all over my head) Well the Alopesia Areata couses the hair falling in big spots all over the head,you start losing your hair in a diferent way than what it ussually is,the doctor told me there is treatment for it but it does not really works,he said that the only thing i can do is just wait between 6 and 18 months, and after all that time my hair should be growing back;but its so traumatic, tha i cant wait that long, i am only 25 years old , i have a life to live ,please help me,i know is not that bad but i cant help it, if anybody knows about some cure ,that really works , please let me know ,thanks.A. Alopecia Areata is considered lately as an auto immune disease , that means your body is attacking your hair. this considered beyond treatment. but there are several ways of handling it- local anti immunic treatment and so forth, here is a good site about it:

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