Capability Maturity Model

Capability Maturity Model

(software)(CMM) The Software Engineering Institute's modelof software engineering that specifies five levels ofmaturity of the processes of a software organisation. CMMoffers a framework for evolutionary process improvement.Originally applied to software development (SE-CMM), it hasbeen expanded to cover other areas including Human Resourcesand Software Acquitition.

The levels - focii - and key process areas are:

Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None.

Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software ProjectPlanning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, SoftwareSubcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, SoftwareConfiguration Management, Requirements Management.

Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation ProcessFocus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, TrainingProgram, Inter-group Coordination, Software ProductEngineering, Integrated Software Management.

Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - SoftwareQuality Management, Quantitative Process Management.

Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process ChangeManagement, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention.