endoscopic sclerotherapy

endoscopic sclerotherapy

The treatment of esophageal varices–EVs by endoscopic injection of a sclerosant–sodium tetradecyl sulfate into the veins; ES has been used to manage bleeding EVs; medical therapy may be more effective and have fewer complications, vis-à-vis control of active bleeding, prevent recurrences, and survival; ES may be equal or superior to other non-medical management–eg, insertion of a portacaval shunt, or selective splenorenal shunt for survival and preservation of liver function Complications Rebleeding–± 50%, esophageal ulceration, strictures, perforations, rebleeding, fever–40%, pulmonary and renal effects, and death in 1-2%. See Endoscopic ligation, Esophageal varices, Nadolol with isosorbide mononitrate.