

单词 capacity



actual or potential ability to perform or withstand: a capacity for hard work
Not to be confused with:ability – a general word for power, native or acquired, enabling one to do things well: an ability for mathfaculty – a natural ability for a particular kind of action: a faculty for choosing the right friendstalent – native ability or aptitude in a special field: a talent for art or music


C0081100 (kə-păs′ĭ-tē)n. pl. ca·pac·i·ties 1. a. The ability to receive, hold, or absorb something: the storage capacity of a car's trunk.b. The maximum amount that can be contained: a bin filled to capacity.2. The power to learn or retain knowledge; mental ability.3. a. The ability to do, make, or accomplish something; capability: a comedian's capacity for making people laugh.b. The maximum or optimum amount that can be produced: factories operating below capacity.4. The quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment: the capacity of elastic to be stretched.5. The position in which one functions; role: in your capacity as sales manager.6. Legal qualification or authority: the capacity to make an arrest.7. Electricity Capacitance.adj. Filling a space with the most it can hold: a capacity crowd at the concert.
[Middle English capacite, from Old French, from Latin capācitās, from capāx, capāc-, spacious; see capacious.]


(kəˈpæsɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. the ability or power to contain, absorb, or hold2. the amount that can be contained; volume: a capacity of six gallons. 3. a. the maximum amount something can contain or absorb (esp in the phrase filled to capacity)b. (as modifier): a capacity crowd. 4. the ability to understand or learn; aptitude; capability: he has a great capacity for Greek. 5. the ability to do or produce (often in the phrase at capacity): the factory's output was not at capacity. 6. a specified position or function: he was employed in the capacity of manager. 7. (Units) a measure of the electrical output of a piece of apparatus such as a motor, generator, or accumulator8. (Electronics) electronics a former name for capacitance9. (Computer Science) computing a. the number of words or characters that can be stored in a particular storage deviceb. the range of numbers that can be processed in a register10. (Computer Science) the bit rate that a communication channel or other system can carry11. (Law) legal competence: the capacity to make a will. [C15: from Old French capacite, from Latin capācitās, from capāx spacious, from capere to take]


(kəˈpæs ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties,
adj. n. 1. the ability to receive or contain: This hotel has a large capacity. 2. the maximum amount or number that can be received or contained; cubic contents; volume: a jug with a capacity of two quarts. 3. power of receiving impressions, knowledge, etc.; mental ability. 4. actual or potential ability to perform, yield, or withstand. 5. quality or state of being susceptible to a given treatment or action: Steel has a high capacity to withstand pressure. 6. position; function; role: to serve in an advisory capacity. 7. legal qualification. 8. a. capacitance. b. maximum possible electrical output. adj. 9. reaching maximum capacity: a capacity crowd. [1375–1425; < Middle French < Latin capācitās <capāx capacious]


– capability">capability – capacity

Do not confuse ability with capability and capacity.

1. 'ability'

You often use ability to say that someone can do something well.

He had remarkable ability as a musician....the ability to bear hardship.
2. 'capability'

A person's capability is the amount of work they can do and how well they can do it.

...a job that was beyond the capability of one man....the director's ideas of the capability of the actor.
3. 'capacity'

If someone has a particular capacity, a capacity for something, or a capacity to do something, they have the qualities required to do it. Capacity is a more formal word than ability.

...their capacity for hard work....his capacity to see the other person's point of view.
Noun1.capacity - capability to perform or produce; "among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism"; "limited runway capacity"; "a great capacity for growth"capability, capableness - the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally; "he worked to the limits of his capability"incapacity - lack of physical or natural qualifications
2.capacity - the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment; "the capability of a metal to be fused"capabilityresistance - the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents; "these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog"susceptibility, susceptibleness - the state of being susceptible; easily affectedactivity - (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"
3.capacity - the amount that can be contained; "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons"contentvolume - the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"vital capacity - the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation (usually tested with a spirometer); used to determine the condition of lung tissue
4.capacity - the maximum production possible; "the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity"production - (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"
5.capacity - a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"role, function, office, part - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
6.capacity - (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive; "the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes"computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structuresindefinite quantity - an estimated quantityformatted capacity - (computer science) the usable capacity of a disk drive; the amount of space that is left after the sector headings and boundary definitions and timing information have been added by formatting the diskunformatted capacity - (computer science) the total number of bytes on a disk including the space that will be required to format it
7.capacity - an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is storedcapacitance, electrical capacityelectrical phenomenon - a physical phenomenon involving electricity
8.capacity - the power to learn or retain knowledgecapacity - the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behaviormental abilityability, power - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"prescience, prevision - the power to foresee the futureincapacity - lack of intellectual power
9.capacity - tolerance for alcohol; "he had drunk beyond his capacity"tolerance - the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions


noun1. ability, power, strength, facility, gift, intelligence, efficiency, genius, faculty, capability, forte, readiness, aptitude, aptness, competence or competency Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited.2. size, room, range, space, volume, extent, dimensions, scope, magnitude, compass, amplitude an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg3. function, position, role, post, appointment, province, sphere, service, office She was visiting in her official capacity as co-chairperson.


noun1. Physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform:ability, capability, competence, competency, faculty, might.2. The ability or power to seize or attain:compass, grasp, range, reach, scope.


(kəˈpӕsəti) plural caˈpacities noun1. ability to hold, contain etc. This tank has a capacity of 300 gallons. 容量 容量2. ability. his capacity for remembering facts. 能力 能力3. position. in his capacity as a leader. 職位 职位




Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

What appears as exceptional intellectual and/or creative capacity is actually the ability to continually exert great effort and attention to detail. Maybe these designers are born with some innate brilliance, but their designs are the result of a laser focus on getting all the details right. Ultimately, genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.See also: capacity, genius, infinite, taking

Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

Prov. Genius is the quality of being exceedingly careful about everything you do. If genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains, Marilyn certainly has it. She never overlooks a single detail that needs attention.See also: capacity, genius, infinite, pain, taking



1. a measure of the electrical output of a piece of apparatus such as a motor, generator, or accumulator 2. Electronics a former name for capacitance3. Computinga. the number of words or characters that can be stored in a particular storage device b. the range of numbers that can be processed in a register 4. the bit rate that a communication channel or other system can carry 5. legal competence


[kə′pas·əd·ē] (analytical chemistry) In chromatography, a measurement used in ion-exchange systems to express the adsorption ability of the ion-exchange materials. (computer science) storage capacity (electricity) capacitance (science and technology) Volume, especially in reference to merchandise or containers thereof.


1. See carrying capacity.2. The volume contained in a vessel. 3. The maximum or minimum water flow obtainable under given conditions (e.g., specified conditions of pressure, temperature, and velocity).


As it pertains to airports, it is the ability of an airport to handle a given volume of traffic. It is a limit that cannot be exceeded without incurring an operational penalty.


(communications)The maximum possible data transfer rate ofa communications channel under ideal conditions. The totalcapacity of a channel may be shared between severalindependent data streams using some kind of multiplexing, inwhich case, each stream's data rate may be limited to a fixedfraction of the total capacity.


With regard to computer and information systems, capacity refers to the storage and transaction processing capability of computer systems, the network and/or the datacenter. See capacity on demand and storage capacity.



 [kah-pas´ĭ-te] the power to hold, retain, or contain, or the ability to absorb; usually expressed numerically as the measure of such ability.closing capacity (CC) the volume of gas in the lungs at the time of airway closure, the sum of the closing volume and the residual volume. See also closing volume.decreased intracranial adaptive capacity a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the state in which intracranial fluid dynamic mechanisms that normally compensate for increases in intracranial volumes are compromised, resulting in repeated disproportionate increases in intracranial pressure in response to a variety of noxious and nonnoxious stimuli.diffusing capacity see diffusing capacity.forced vital capacity the maximal volume of gas that can be exhaled from full inhalation by exhaling as forcefully and rapidly as possible. See also pulmonary function tests.functional residual capacity the amount of gas remaining at the end of normal quiet respiration.heat capacity the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a specific quantity of a substance by one degree Celsius.inspiratory capacity the volume of gas that can be taken into the lungs in a full inhalation, starting from the resting inspiratory position; equal to the tidal volume plus the inspiratory reserve volume.maximal breathing capacity maximum voluntary ventilation.thermal capacity heat capacity.total lung capacity the amount of gas contained in the lung at the end of a maximal inhalation. Subdivisions of total lung capacity: TLC, total lung capacity; V, tidal volume; IC, inspiratory capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; ERV, expiratory reserve volume; VC, vital capacity; RV, residual volume. From Dorland's, 2000.virus neutralizing capacity the ability of a serum to inhibit the infectivity of a virus.vital capacity (VC) see vital capacity.


(kă-pas'i-tē), 1. The potential cubic contents of a cavity or receptacle.
See also: volume.
2. Power to do. [L. capax, able to contain; fr. capio, to take]


A generic term for the sum of the resources available to an organisation, service or community, including people, money, equipment, expertise, skills and information.
A term referring to a person’s ability to understand and retain information about his/her medical condition and need for treatment.


Patient rights The capability of a person to function as an autonomous unit. See Testamentary capacity.


(kă-pas'i-tē) 1. The potential cubic contents of a cavity or receptacle. 2. Ability to do something mental or physical.
See also: volume
[L. capax, able to contain; fr. capio, to take]


the ability to store an electric charge, measured in farads (Fd).


(kă-pas'i-tē) 1. The potential cubic contents of a cavity or receptacle.
See also: volume
2. Power to do. [L. capax, able to contain; fr. capio, to take]



The ability, capability, or fitness to do something; a legal right, power, or competency to perform some act. An ability to comprehend both the nature and consequences of one's acts.

Capacity relates to soundness of mind and to an intelligent understanding and perception of one's actions. It is the power either to create or to enter into a legal relation under the same conditions or circumstances as a person of sound mind or normal intelligence would have the power to create or to enter.

A person of normal intelligence and sound mind has the capacity to dispose of his or her property by will as he or she sees fit.

A capacity defense is used in both criminal and civil actions to describe a lack of fundamental ability to be accountable for one's action that nullifies the element of intent when intent is essential to the action, thereby relieving a person of responsibility for it.

An individual under duress lacks the capacity to contract; a child under the age of seven accused of committing a crime lacks criminal capacity.


the ability of a person to effect a legal transaction. The paradigm natural person of full age and sound mind usually has full capacity. Others face limitations from time to time and system to system, such as, for example, the young, the mentally ill and corporations.

CAPACITY. This word, in the law sense, denotes some ability, power, qualification, or competency of persons, natural, or artificial, for the performance of civil acts, depending on their state or condition, as defined or fixed by law; as, the capacity to devise, to bequeath, to grant or convey lands; to take; or to take. and hold lands to make a contract, and the like. 2 Com. Dig. 294; Dane's Abr. h.t.
2. The constitution requires that the president, senators, and representatives should have attained certain ages; and in the case of the senators and representatives, that out these they have no capacity to serve in these offices.
3. All laws which regulate the capacity of persons to contract, are considered personal laws; such are the laws which relate to minority and majority; to the powers of guardians or parents, or the disabilities of coverture. The law of the domicil generally governs in cases of this kind. Burge. on Sureties, 89.



Credit grantors' measurement of a person's ability to repay loans.


The theoretical maximum number of products a company can produce at a given time. For example, an oil pump may have a capacity of X barrels per day, meaning that it cannot produce more than X. Companies rarely operate at full capacity, both to allow themselves leeway in the event of increased demand and because capacity may not be possible at a given time because of worker illness, machinery maintenance, or other reasons.


the maximum amount of output that a firm is physically capable of producing, at a point in time, given the fullest and most efficient use of its existing plant or plants.

Over time, a firm may adjust its capacity to meet changes in demand and the competitive situation facing it, investing in new plant or extending existing plant to meet an increase in demand, or closing down plant, permanently or temporarily (‘MOTHBALLING’), to meet a situation of OVERCAPACITY.

When preparing a PRODUCTION BUDGET, it is necessary to ensure that the firm has sufficient production capacity to meet planned output levels. A firm's capacity or the capacity of industry in general may be limited by the availability of capital equipment and labour.

The maximum rate of output which the firm can produce will depend upon the capacity of its individual factories which in turn depends upon the capacity of various departments and work stations within each factory See INPUT-OUTPUT CONTROL, PRODUCTION SCHEDULING, PRODUCTION-LINE BALANCING. See CAPACITY UTILIZATION, LIMITING FACTOR, RATIONALIZATION, INDIVISIBILITIES, CAPACITY CONSTRAINED RESOURCE, CAPACITY CONTROL, CAPACITY CUSHION, CAPACITY PLANNING, CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS PLANNING.


  1. 1the maximum amount of output that a firm or industry is physically capable of producing given the fullest and most efficient use of its existing plant. In microeconomic theory, the concept of full capacity is specifically related to the cost structures of firms and industries. Industry output is maximized (i.e. full capacity is attained) when all firms produce at the minimum point on their long-run average total cost curves (see PERFECT COMPETITION). If firms fail to produce at this point, then the result is EXCESS CAPACITY.
  2. in macroeconomics, capacity refers to POTENTIAL GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT. The percentage relationship of actual output in the economy to capacity (i.e. potential national income) shows capacity utilization. See also MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION.


The legal ability of parties to enter into contracts.
• Full capacity. Having unlimited ability to enter into binding contracts of all types.
• Limited capacity. Having the ability to enter into binding contracts for certain things, such as a minor's contracts for necessities, but also having the ability to disaffirm other contracts upon reaching legal age, for example.
• No capacity. Having no ability to enter into contracts, such as one who has been adjudicat- ed as mentally incompetent.

See CY


  • noun

Synonyms for capacity

noun ability


  • ability
  • power
  • strength
  • facility
  • gift
  • intelligence
  • efficiency
  • genius
  • faculty
  • capability
  • forte
  • readiness
  • aptitude
  • aptness
  • competence or competency

noun size


  • size
  • room
  • range
  • space
  • volume
  • extent
  • dimensions
  • scope
  • magnitude
  • compass
  • amplitude

noun function


  • function
  • position
  • role
  • post
  • appointment
  • province
  • sphere
  • service
  • office

Synonyms for capacity

noun physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform


  • ability
  • capability
  • competence
  • competency
  • faculty
  • might

noun the ability or power to seize or attain


  • compass
  • grasp
  • range
  • reach
  • scope

Synonyms for capacity

noun capability to perform or produce

Related Words

  • capability
  • capableness


  • incapacity

noun the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment


  • capability

Related Words

  • resistance
  • susceptibility
  • susceptibleness
  • activity

noun the amount that can be contained


  • content

Related Words

  • volume
  • vital capacity

noun the maximum production possible

Related Words

  • production

noun a specified function

Related Words

  • role
  • function
  • office
  • part

noun (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive

Related Words

  • computer science
  • computing
  • indefinite quantity
  • formatted capacity
  • unformatted capacity

noun an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored


  • capacitance
  • electrical capacity

Related Words

  • electrical phenomenon

noun the power to learn or retain knowledge


  • mental ability

Related Words

  • ability
  • power
  • prescience
  • prevision


  • incapacity

noun tolerance for alcohol

Related Words

  • tolerance




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