chiropractic therapy

Chiropractic treatment consists of adjustment and manipulation of the vertebral column and extremities, which some chiropractors supplement with physical therapy, nutritional support, and radiography—for diagnostic purposes only
Conditions possibly benefited by chiropractic Arthritis, pain in neck, shoulder, back, arms, legs, pain described as ‘pins and needles’ and numbness, sports injuries, whiplash, migraine, sprains, strains, insomnia, nerve entrapment, muscle cramps, stiffness, occupational injuries, and lumbar disk degeneration

chiropractic therapy

Chiropractic treatment consists of adjustment and manipulation–chiro–, Greek, hand of the vertebral column and extremities, which some chiropractors supplement with physical therapy, nutritional support, and radiography–for diagnostic purposes only Conditions that may be regarded as the therapeutic domain of a chiropractor Arthritis, pain in neck, shoulder, back, arms, legs, pain described as 'pins and needles' and numbness, sports injuries, whiplash, migraine, sprains, strains, insomnia, nerve entrapment, muscle cramps, stiffness, occupational injuries. See Chiropractic, Chiropractor.