释义 |
ca·per 1 C0083100 (kā′pər)n.1. A playful leap or hop.2. A frivolous escapade or prank.3. Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.intr.v. ca·pered, ca·per·ing, ca·pers To leap or frisk about; frolic. [Alteration of capriole.]
ca·per 2 C0083100 (kā′pər)n.1. A usually spiny Mediterranean shrub (Capparis spinosa) having white to pale lilac flowers and dehiscent fruits with reddish pulp.2. A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes. [Middle English capar, ultimately (probably via back-formation from earlier caperis, caper bush, taken as a plural with the ending -s) from Latin capparis, from Greek kapparis, of unknown origin.]capers (ˈkeɪpəz) pl n (Cookery) the flower buds of the caper plant, which are pickled and used as a condimentcapersThe buds of a Mediterranean shrub. Used pickled in sauces and garnishes.IdiomsSeecapercapers
capers[′kā·pərz] (food engineering) The buds and berries of the caper plant (Capparis spinosa) pickled and used as a condiment. Capers
CAPERS. Vessels of war owned by private persons, and different from ordinary privateers (q.v.) only in size, being smaller. Bea. Lex. Mer. 230. CAPERS
Acronym | Definition |
CAPERS➣Computer Aided Post for Eastern States (Universal Postal Union program) | CAPERS➣Children and Parents Educational Resource Services | CAPERS➣Coed Affiliates Pershing Rifles (est. 1966) |