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Body, Human Body, HumanSee also anatomy; bodily functions. acrocephalyMedicine. having a high, pointed skull. Also called oxycephaly. — acrocephalic, acrocephalous, adj.acromegalyMedicine. a disease resulting from abnormal activity of the pituitary gland in which bones of the extremities are enlarged. — acromegalic, adj., n.adipositythe state of being obese. — adipose, adj.anatomythe study of the body and its parts. — anatomist, n. — anatomical, adj.androgynism, androgynythe possession of the characteristics of both sexes; hermaphroditism. Also androgyneity. — androgynous. adj.ankylophobiaa dread of stiff or immobile joints.atonicity, atonylack of tone or tonus in the body; poor muscular condition. Cf. tonicity. — atonic, adj.bioastronauticsthe science that studies the effects of space travel on life, especially human life and the human body.bionics1. the science or study of how man and animals perform tasks and solve certain types of problems involving use of the body. 2. the application of this study to the design of computer-driven and other automated equipment. 3. the application of this study to the design of artificial limbs, organs, and other prosthetic devices. — bionic, adj.biophysiologythe branch of biology that studies the growth, morphology, and physiology of organs. — biophysiologist, n.biopsythe removal of a fragment of living tissue from the body for medical study. — bioptic, adj.bisexualism, bisexualitythe condition of combining male and female sexual characteristics in one body. See also sex. — bisexual, adj.callipygia, callipygythe state of having well-shaped buttocks. Cf. steatopygia. — callipygian, callipygous. adj.carnosityObsolete, fleshiness; obesity.caseationthe change in consistency of tissue to a soft, cheeselike form, as in tuberculosis.claudicationa limp or limping movement.clonisma state or condition in which the muscles undergo clonus, or rapid flexion and extension. — clonic, adj.coenesthesia, coenesthesis, cenesthesia, cenesthesisthe combination of organic sensations that comprise an individual’s awareness of bodily existence. — coenesthetic, cenesthetic, adj.deuteropathyan affection of the body that is secondary to and resulting from another affection.diarthrosisa joint or articulation, as that at the knee, which allows maximum movement.ectomorphythe condition or state of being an ectomorph, i.e., having a light, slender body structure. — ectomorphic, adj.emacerationObsolete, the act of making or becoming lean; emaciation.endomorphythe condition or state of being an endomorph, i.e., having a rounded, stocky body structure with a tendency to obesity. Also called pyknic. — endomorphic, adj.epicenismthe state or quality of combining characteristics of both sexes. — epicenity, n. — epicene, adj.excrescence1. a normal outgrowth of the body, as hair, fingernails. 2. an abnormal outgrowth, as a corn, wart, etc. — excrescent, adj.formicationa body sensation that feels as if ants are crawling over the skin.gynandrism, gynandryhermaphroditism. Also gynandry. — gynandroid, n., adj.gynecomastisman excessive development of mammary glands in males. Also gynecomastia, gynecomasty.hermaphroditismthe presence on an individual body of both male and female sex organs. Also called androgynism, gynandrism, gynandry. — hermaphrodite, n. — hermaphroditic, adj.hyperkinesia, hyperkinesisa condition of the body in which muscular movement is abnormally agitated. — hyperkinetic, adj.hypertrophyexcessive growth of tissue or of an organ, independent of and out of proportion to the rest of the body. Cf. hypoplasia. — hypertrophic, hypertrophical, hypertrophous, adj.hypoplasiaa condition in which tissue or an organ of the body fails to grow to normal size. Cf. hypertrophy. — hypoplastic, adj.hypothermiaa condition in which the body temperature is abnormally low. — hypothermal, adj.ichora thin watery substance discharged from wounds or ulcers. See also god and gods. — ichorous, adj.ictusMedicine. 1. a stroke or beat, as the beat of the pulse. See also verse. 2. a paralytic stroke.jactitationMedicine. twitching of the muscles or of other parts of the body. Also called jactation.kinesiologyMedicine. the study of the motions of the human body, especially as they apply to therapy through corrective exercise. Also called kinestherapy. — kinesiologic, kinesiological, adj.kyphosisan abnormal condition of the spine in which it has a hump, kyphos, or curvature. — kyphotic, adj.leptosomyectomorphy. — leptosome, n. — leptosomic, leptosomatic, adj.lordosisany abnormal curvature of the bones, especially forward curvature of the spine, resulting in a hollow in the back. — lordotic, adj.macrosomatiathe condition of having an abnormally large body. — macrosomatous, adj.marasmus1. a wasting away or atrophying of the body in the absence of disease. 2. the progressive emaciation that results from malnutrition. — marasmic, adj.mesomorphythe condition or state of being a mesomorph, i.e., having an athletic body structure. — mesomorphic, adj.microcephalismthe condition of having an abnormally small head. Also microcephaly. — microcephalous, microcephalic, adj.myoatrophyatrophy or wasting away of the muscles.myotoniaa condition of tonic muscle spasm or rigidity of the muscles. — myotonic, adj.necrosisthe death or decay of body tissue, the result of loss of blood supply or trauma. — necrotic, adj.neoplasiathe growth or formation of aneoplasm. — neoplastic, adj.neoplasmany abnormal formation or growth of tissue, as a tumor. — neoplastic, adj.orthopraxy, orthopraxisthe use of mechanical apparatus or devices to correct bodily deformities.orthosisthe process of correcting bodily or mental distortion. — orthotic, adj.osmidrosisan abnormal condition in which the sweat has a very strong odor.osteoporosisthe rarefaction of bone, resulting in abnormally porous and weak bony tissue.oxycephalyacrocephaly. — oxycephalic, oxycephalous, adj.oxygeusiaextreme acuteness or sensitivity of the sense of taste.paralysisabnormal loss of muscle function or of sensation. — paralytic, n., adj.paresisa state or process of partial paralysis. — paretic, adj.paresthesia, paraesthesiaany abnormal physical sensation, as itching, a tickling feeling, etc. — paresthetic, paraesthetic, adj.pectoriloquism, pectoriloquythe transmission of the voice through the chest wall, so that it can be picked up by direct listening against the chest or with a stethoscope. It frequently indicates an abnormality in the lungs. — pectoriloquial, pectoriloquous, adj.phocomelia, phocomelya deformity, usually congenital, in which the extremities of the limbs are abnormally short.pinguiditythe state or quality of being fat or unctuous. — pinguid, adj.pneumologythe scientific study of the human respiratory system. — pneumological, adj.polymastismthe condition of having more than two breasts. Also polymastia. — polymastic, adj.psychroesthesiaan abnormal condition in which part of the body, though actually warm, is felt as cold.pulsimeter, pulsometeran instrument for measuring the rate of the pulse.radiosensibilitysensitivity to the effects of radiation, as of parts of the body. Also radiosensitivity. — radiosensible, adj.rhigosisthe feeling or sensation of coldness.rictusthe opening of the mouth, especially in a grimace or expression of pain.rotunditythe state or quality of being roundor plump. — rotund, adj.schematomancydivination of a person’s future from observation of physical appearance.sclerosisa hardening of body tissues or other parts, as by an excessive growth of fibrous connective tissue. See also plants. — sclerotic, adj.scoliosislateral curvature of the spine. — scoliotic, adj.somatologythe branch of anthropology that studies man’s physical characteristics. Also physical anthropology, somatics. — somatologie, somatological, adj.somatotypea particular type of human physique. Cf. ectomorphy, endomorphy, mesomorphy.steatopygia, steatopygyexcessive fatness of the hips and buttocks. Cf. callipygia. — steatopygic, adj.syntexisthe wasting of the body, as in consumption. — syntectic, syntectical, adj.tabesany disease that wastes the body; atrophy. — tabetic, n., adj.tabescence1. the process of emaciation or wasting of the body. 2. the condition of being wasted or in decay, especially as a gradual process. — tabescent, adj.tabitudethe state of being affected by tabes or by gradual wasting or decay.tonicitythe state or quality of muscular tone or tension. — tonic, adj.torticollisa condition characterized by involuntary contraction of the cervical muscles, causing a twisting of the neck; wryneck.tricrotismthe condition of having three arterial beats for every one heart-beat, as in certain pulses. — tricrotic, adj.turgescence, turgescency1. the process of swelling. 2. the state of being swollen. — turgescent, adj.valgus1. an abnormally turned condition of a bone in part of the human body, especially the leg. 2. the condition of being bow-legged.vellicationa twitching, as of a part of the body; convulsive movement of a muscle.ventripotenceobesity, particularly in the region of the stomach. — ventripotent, adj.ventrosityRare. largeness of the belly; corpulence, especially in the abdominal region.xeransisa dried or desiccated condition of the body. Also xerosis. — xerantic, adj.xerotesa dry condition or tendency to dryness of the body. — xerotic, adj.zonesthesiaa feeling or sensation of constriction in the body, as from wearing a tight belt.zooplastythe process of surgically grafting tissue from a lower animal onto the human body. — zooplastic, adj. |