Chizhevskii, Leonid

Chizhevskii, Leonid Vasil’evich


Born Jan 1 (13), 1861, in Kiev; died Apr. 14, 1929, in Kaluga. Russian artilleryman and scholar. Major general (1916). Hero of Labor of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (1928).

Chizhevskii graduated from the Alexander Military School in 1881. During World War I, he commanded an artillery battalion and a brigade on the Southwestern Front. He joined the Red Army in 1918 and served as director of courses for Red Army commanders in Kaluga. In 1885, Chizhevskii invented and tested an azimuth instrument for commanders that made it possible to deliver parallel sheaf fire on unseen targets.


Otchego proigryvaiutsia kampanii, Warsaw, 1912.


Chizhevskii, A. L. Vsia zhizn’. Moscow, 1974.