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acoustic meatus ThesaurusNoun | 1. | acoustic meatus - either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membraneauditory canal, auditory meatus, ear canal, external auditory canalauricular point, auriculare - the craniometric point at the center of the opening of the external acoustic meatusmeatus - a natural body passagewayexternal ear, outer ear - the part of the ear visible externally | EncyclopediaSeemeatusacoustic meatus
meatus [me-a´tus] (pl. mea´tus) (L.) an opening" >opening or passage, especially one leading to the body surface. adj., adj mea´tal.acoustic meatus (meatus acus´ticus) either of two passages in the ear; the external acoustic meatus leads from the auricle" >auricle to the tympanic membrane" >tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the internal acoustic meatus is for passage of nerves and blood vessels.auditory meatus acoustic meatus.meatus na´si (meatus of nose) one of the three portions of the nasal cavity on either side of the septum: inferior (meatus nasi inferior), middle (meatus nasi medius), and superior (meatus nasi superior).ureteral meatus ureteral orifice.meatus urina´rius (urinary meatus) the opening of the urethra on the body surface, through which urine is discharged.ex·ter·nal a·cous·tic me·a·tus [TA] the passage leading inward through the tympanic portion of the temporal bone, from the auricle to the tympanic membrane; it consists of a bony (inner) portion and a fibrocartilaginous (outer) portion, the cartilaginous external acoustic meatus. Synonym(s): meatus acusticus externus [TA], acoustic meatus (1) , antrum auris, auditory canal, ear canal, external auditory meatusacoustic meatusn.1. The external portion of the auditory canal; external auditory canal.2. The internal portion of the auditory canal; internal auditory canal.acoustic meatus (1) External acoustic meatus, meatus acusticus externus; external auditory canal. (2) Internal acoustic meatus, meatus acusticus internus; internal auditory canal.a·cou·stic me·a·tus (ă-kūs'tik mē-ā'tŭs) 1. External: auditory canal; the passage leading inward through the tympanic portion of the temporal bone, from the auricle to the membrana tympani; 2. Internal: a canal running through the petrous portion of the temporal bone, giving passage to the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves and to the labyrinthine artery and veins. Synonym(s): meatus acusticus. ex·ter·nal a·cous·tic me·a·tus (eks-tĕr'năl ă-kūs'tik mē-ā'tŭs) [TA] The passage leading inward through the tympanic portion of the temporal bone, from the auricle to the tympanic membrane; it consists of a bony (inner) portion and a fibrocartilaginous (outer) portion, the cartilaginous external acoustic meatus. Synonym(s): acoustic meatus (1) , antrum auris.
ex·ter·nal au·di·to·ry ca·nal (eks-tĕrnăl awdi-tōr-ē kă-nal) The passage leading inward through the tympanic portion of the temporal bone, from the auricle to the tympanic membrane; it consists of fibrocartilaginous outer and bony inner portions lined with thin skin medially and thicker skin with ceruminous glands, hair follicles, and subcutaneous fat laterally. Synonym(s): acoustic meatus (2) . acoustic meatus Related to acoustic meatus: auditory meatusSynonyms for acoustic meatusnoun either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membraneSynonyms- auditory canal
- auditory meatus
- ear canal
- external auditory canal
Related Words- auricular point
- auriculare
- meatus
- external ear
- outer ear