Boeck's sarcoid


 [sahr´koid] 1. fleshlike.2. sarcomalike.3. a sarcomalike tumor.4. sarcoidosis.Boeck's sarcoid sarcoidosis.


S01-834540 (sar'koyd) [? + eidos, form, shape] 1. Resembling flesh.2. A small epithelioid tubercle-like lesion characteristic of sarcoidosis.

Boeck's sarcoid

See: Boeck's sacroid

Patient discussion about Boeck's sarcoid

Q. SARCOIDOSIS is it a lung disease?A. It's an autoimmune disease that may affect almost every organ in the body, although involvement of the lung is the most common (90%), therefore it may be perceived as a lung disease. It may damage the lungs, nut not only them.
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