

单词 endosperm



E0137500 (ĕn′də-spûrm′)n. The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.


(ˈɛndəʊˌspɜːm) n (Botany) the tissue within the seed of a flowering plant that surrounds and nourishes the developing embryo ˌendoˈspermic adj


(ˈɛn dəˌspɜrm)

n. nutritive matter in seed-plant ovules, derived from the embryo sac. [1840–50; < French endosperme]


(ĕn′də-spûrm′) The tissue that surrounds and provides nourishment to the embryo in plant seeds.
Noun1.endosperm - nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plantsendosperm - nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plantsreproductive structure - the parts of a plant involved in its reproductionseed - a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa



[′en·də‚spərm] (botany) The nutritive protein material within the embryo sac of seed plants. Storage tissue in the seeds of gymnosperms.



in the seed of gymnosperms and most flowering plants, a tissue in which the nutrient substances necessary for the development of the embryo are deposited. In gymnosperms the endosperm is formed in the ovule during germination of the megaspore; it consequently becomes the female prothallus (gametophyte), with a haploid set of chromosomes. The archegonia in gynosperms develop from certain cells of the endosperm. In angiosperms the endosperm is formed after fertilization as a result of the merging of the spermatozoid with the secondary (diploid) nucleus of the embryo sac. In this case the cells of the endosperm are triploid. By uniting sets of chromosomes from both parent plants the endosperm becomes a physiologically active, viable nutrient tissue. It not only feeds the embryo but fosters embryonic growth and differentiation.

A distinction may be made between the nuclear, cellular, and helobial types of endosperm. In the first type the cell walls do not form immediately after formation of the nuclei. In cellular endosperms the cell walls form immediately after each division of the nuclei. Helobial endosperm is intermediate between the other two types. Endosperm is not equally developed in the mature seeds of flowering plants of different families. Thus, it is large in Gramineae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae, but in many other families, for example, Leguminosae, Compositae, and Rosaceae, the endosperm is poorly developed, and reserve nutrient matter is deposited in the embryo itself, mainly in the cotyledons. In many Orchidaceae the endosperm is not formed.


Khudiak, M. I. Endosperm pokrytosemennykh rastenii. Kiev, 1963.
Poddubnaia-Arnol’di, V. A. Tsitoembriologiia pokrytosemennykh rastenii. Moscow, 1976.



(en'dō-spĕrm), A storage tissue found in many seeds that nourishes the embryo of a plant.


a TRIPLOID (1) tissue found in many angiosperm seeds (e.g. those of the castor oil plant), that serves as a food source for the embryo which develops within it. Nonendospermic seeds (e.g. the runner bean) store their food substances within the cotyledons. See EMBRYO SAC for origin.


Related to endosperm: endosperm nucleus
  • noun

Words related to endosperm

noun nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants

Related Words

  • reproductive structure
  • seed




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