

 [klo-re´me-ah] 1. chlorosis.2. hyperchloremia.


(klōr-ō'sis), Rarely used term for a form of chronic hypochromic microcytic (iron deficiency) anemia, characterized by a great reduction in hemoglobin out of proportion to the decreased number of red blood cells; observed chiefly in females from puberty to the third decade and usually associated with diets deficient in iron and protein. Synonym(s): asiderotic anemia, chloremia (1) , chloroanemia, chlorotic anemia, green sickness [chloro- + G. -osis, condition]


(1) The presence of chloride in the peripheral circulation (a normal state).
(2) Hyperchloremia—an excess of chloride in the peripheral circulation. 
(3) Iron deficiency anaemia, formerly termed chlorosis.