Afrikan Bogaevskii
Bogaevskii, Afrikan Petrovich
Born Dec. 27, 1872 (Jan. 8, 1873); died Oct. 21, 1934, in Paris. A counterrevolutionary leader in South Russia in 1917–20; lieutenant general (1918). A descendant of dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry) of the Don Cossack Host.
Bogaevskii graduated from the Nikolaev Cavalry Academy in 1892 and from the General Staff Academy in 1900. During World War I, he was chief of staff of the campaign hetmán of all cossack hosts under General Headquarters. After the February Revolution of 1917, he was a commander of a cavalry division. After the October Revolution he fled to the Don area, where he was commander of the Rostov region troops under Hetman Kaledin and then, during the retreat of the Volunteer Army to Kuban’, of the Partisan regiment (brigade). He was a chairman of the Don government at General P. N. Krasnov’s headquarters. In February 1919, being a supporter of Denikin, he became host hetman of the Don Host. He emigrated after the defeat of Wrangel.