Boganda Day

Boganda Day

March 29In the Central African Republic, Boganda Day marks the anniversary of the death of BarthÉlÉmy Boganda, the nation's first prime minister. Boganda was killed in a plane crash on March 29, 1959. He had been a driving force in the creation of the Central African Republic, which became a self-governing republic in 1958. Boganda was also a leader in the movement to unite black African nations. He designed his new country's green, yellow and red flag to represent the ideal of African unity. Boganda was flying between cities in the Central African Republic when his plane went down. At the time of the accident, there was of speculation that sabotage caused the crash.
Boganda Day is a national holiday in the Central African Republic. All banks, official government offices, businesses, and schools are closed.
Central African Republic Embassy
1618 22nd St.
Washington, D.C. 20008
202-483-7800; fax: 202-332-9893

Celebrated in: Central African Republic