Dan Anderson

Anderson, Dan


(Daniel). Born Apr. 6, 1888, in Gran-gärde; died Sept. 16, 1920, in Stockholm. Swedish writer. One of the early representatives of proletarian literature in Sweden. He was a woodcutter, sailor, and coal miner.

In his collections of stories A Collier’s Tales (1914) and It Is Called Superstition (1916), his two-volume autobiographical work Three Homeless Ones (1918) and David Ramm’s Heritage (1919), and his collections of poems Song of a Coal Watchman (1915) and Black Ballads (1917), he portrays the life of the proletariat and denounces the world of moneygrubbers. Religious and philosophical themes permeate many of his works.


Skrifter, vols. 1–4. Stockholm, 1921–22.
In Russian translation:
“Doroga vedet v les.” “Chevolek, kotoryi prodal svoiu dushu.” In Shvedskaia novella X1X-XX vv. Moscow, 1964.