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antrectomySurgery to remove a chamber or cavity, especially of bone.Translationsantrectomy
antrectomy [an-trek´to-me] surgical excision of an antrum.an·trec·to·my (an-trek'tō-mē), Removal of a portion of the walls of the maxillary antrum. Removal of the antrum (distal half) of the stomach; often combined with bilateral excision of portions of vagus nerve trunks (vagectomy) in treatment of peptic ulcer. Reconstruction of the continuity of the alimentary tract can be by a gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I) or a loop gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II). [antrum + G. ektomē, excision] antrectomy (ăn-trĕk′tə-mē)n. Surgical excision of an antrum, such as removal of the pyloric antrum of the stomach.an·trec·to·my (an-trek'tŏ-mē) 1. Removal of the walls of an antrum. 2. Removal of the antrum (distal half) of the stomach. [antrum + G. ektomē, excision]AntrectomyA surgical procedure for ulcer disease in which the antrum, a portion of the stomach, is removed.Mentioned in: Gastrectomy |