Bognár, József
Bognár, József
Born Feb. 5, 1917, in Szombathely. Hungarian economist. Public figure and statesman. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian People’s Republic (1965). Bognár received his education at L. Eötvös University in Budapest. Until World War II he was one of the leaders of the left wing of the Smallholders’ Party. During World War II (1939–45) he fought against fascism and participated in the civil resistance movement. After Hungary was liberated, he held the posts of minister of domestic trade and minister of foreign trade of the Hungarian People’s Republic (1949–56); at the same time he was professor (from 1950) and head of the subdivision of domestic trade (from 1954) of the K. Marx University of Economic Sciences. He has been professor and director of the Scientific Research Institute on Africa and Asia of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian People’s Republic (since 1965) and chairman of the Institute of Cultural Ties (since 1961). His scientific activity has been devoted to research in the areas of socialist economics (problems of demand, economic administration and management, and so on) and the economics of developing countries.
Sotsialisticheskoe planovoe khoziaistvo Vengrii. Budapest, 1961.Kereslet és keresletkutatás a szocializmusban. Budapest, 1961.
“The Structure of the Hungarian Economy.” New Hungarian Quarterly, 1964, vol. 5, no. 14.
“Coexistence and the World Trade Conference.” New Hungarian Quarterly, 1964, vol. 5, no. 16.
“A szocialista gazdaság irányitása és müködése.” In the collection Vita. . . . Budapest, 1966.
A gazdasági növekedés irányitása a fejlödo világban. Budapest, 1967.
“Principles of Foreign Trade in the New Economic Mechanism.” New Hungarian Quarterly, 1967, no. 26.
“Tentative Outlines of a New World Economic Concept.” New Hungarian Quarterly, 1967, no. 28.