Bally, Charles
Bally, Charles
Born Feb. 4, 1865, in Geneva; died Apr. 10, 1947, in Geneva. French linguist of the Geneva school. Pupil and follower of F. de Saussure. Specialist in general and French lexicology and stylistics. He was also concerned with the general theory of language (General Linguistics and Problems of the French Language,1932; Russian translation, 1955). The role of expressive elements in language is emphasized in Bally’s works.
Le langage et la vie,3rd ed. Geneva, 1952.Traitè de stylistique franç aise, vols. 1–2, 3rd ed. Geneva-Paris,1951.
[Frei, H.] “In Memoriam Charles Bally.” Lingua[1948], vol. 1, no. 1.[Biography to 1939.] In the collection Mélanges . . . Charles Bally. Geneva, 1939.