Bogorov, Veniamin Grigorevich

Bogorov, Veniamin Grigor’evich


Born Dec. 11 (24), 1904, in Moscow. Soviet oceanographer and hydrobiologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958).

Bogorov graduated from the biology department of Moscow State University (1926). He began his research career in 1924 in the Marine Research Institute (on the research vessel Persei). He has been on the staff of the All-Union Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography since 1930. He has been its deputy director since 1941, chief of the plankton laboratory in the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR since 1961, and at the same time (from 1946), a professor in the geography department and deputy chairman of the hydrobiology subdepartment of Moscow State University (from 1964). His main work dealt with marine and oceanic plankton, biological productivity of the ocean, and geographic zones of the ocean. He directed expeditions to the Pacific and Indian oceans on the ship Vitiaz’. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1951) for his oceanographic research, the Order of Lenin, and three other orders, as well as medals.


“Vertikal’noe raspredelenie zooplanktona i vertikal’noe raschlenenie vod okeana.” Tr. ln-ta okeanologii AN SSSR, 1948, vol. 2.
Zhizn’ moria. [Moscow], 1954.
“Produktsia planktona i kharakteristika biogeograficheskikh oblastei okeana.” Dokl. AN SSSR, 1958, vol. 118, no. 5.