Boiling Springs State Park

Boiling Springs State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Oklahoma
Location:1 mile north of Woodward on SH 34, then 5 miles east on SH 34C.
Facilities:50 campsites (modern, semi-modern, and primitive), 2 group camps, 4 cabins, showers, picnic area, group shelters, trails, swimming pool and bathhouse, snack bar, gift shop (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking.
Special Features:Park is named for the cool springs that "boil up" at 200 gallons per minute through the white sand of the North Canadian River. The last stand of Big Timber in western Oklahoma lies within park property.
Address:Rt 2, Box 299
Woodward, OK 73802

Size: 820 acres.

See other parks in Oklahoma.