Bokany Burial Ground

Bokany Burial Ground


a burial ground located near the village of Bokany, Faleshty Raion, Moldavian SSR. It was excavated by G. B. Fedorov in 1953. The dead were buried in dirt holes. Vessels shaped on potter’s wheels and by hand and such objects as bronze mirrors, swords, bracelets, and glass and clay beads were found in the graves. Dating from the second to fourth centuries A.D., the burial ground belonged to the local population, which was under the strong influence of the Sarmatian culture. Ancient unfortified village sites belonging to that culture have been discovered nearby.


Fedorov, G. B. Naselenie Prutsko-Dnestrovskogo mezhdurech’ia v 1 tysiacheletii n. e. Moscow, 1960.