Boldyrev, Aleksandr

Boldyrev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich


Born May 16 (29), 1909, in St. Petersburg. Soviet orientalist.

Boldyrev graduated from the oriental department of Leningrad State University in 1931 and is a professor there. He has been head of the Iranian philology subdepartment of the oriental department of Leningrad University since 1950. His works deal with the history of Persian-Tadzhik classical literature, medieval writings in Persian and Tadzhik, and folklore. He prepared and published the critical texts The History of Badakhshan (1959) and Badaidin al-Waqaay of Zain-al-din al-Wasifi.


“Tezkire Khasana Nisori kak novyi istochnik dlia izucheniiakul’turnoi zhizni v Srednei Azii SVI v.” Tr. otdela istorii kul’tury i iskusstva Vostoka, 1940, vol. 3.
“Alisher Navoi v rasskazakh sovremennikov.” In the collection Alisher Navoi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1946.
Zainaddin Vasifi: Opyt tvorcheskoi biografii. Dushanbe, 1957.