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cholangiectasis Translationscholangiectasis
cholangiectasis [ko-lan″je-ek´tah-sis] dilatation of a bile duct.chol·an·gi·ec·ta·sis (kō-lan'jē-ek'tă-sis), Dilation of the bile ducts, usually as a sequel to obstruction or from a congenital lack of a portion of the ductal wall. [chol- + G. angeion, vessel, + ektasis, a stretching] cholangiectasis GI disease Dilatation of bile ducts, due to ↓ musclechol·an·gi·ec·ta·sis (kō-lan'jē-ek'tă-sis) Dilation of the bile ducts, usually as a sequel to obstruction. [chol- + G. angeion, vessel, + ektasis, a stretching]cholangiectasis Local widening of the bile duct. |