

 [ko-lan″je-o-pan″kre-ah-tog´rah-fe] radiographic examination of the bile ducts and pancreas after administration of a contrast medium. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. At the level of the duodenum, the papilla is located and the cannula is inserted through it. Once the cannula is in the ampulla of Vater, it is passed into the common bile duct. Once that phase of the examination is completed, the cannula is passed into the pancreatic duct. From Malarkey and McMorrow, 2000.endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) a procedure consisting of a combination of retrograde cholangiography and transhepatic cholangiography. The endoscope is advanced into the duodenum, the biliary tract is cannulated, and contrast medium is injected in order to demonstrate all portions of the biliary tree. See also gallbladder.


(kō-lan'jē-ō-pan'krē-ă-tog'ră-fē), Contrast radiographic examination of the bile and pancreatic ducts after the injection of radiopaque dye.


(kō-lan'jē-ō-pan'krē-ă-tog'ră-fē) Radiographic examination of the bile and pancreatic ducts with contrast medium.


(ko-lan?je-o-pang?kre-a-tog'ra-fe, -pan?) [ cholangio- + pancreat- + -graphy] Radiographic visualization and examination of the bile ducts and pancreas.

endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Abbreviation: ERCP
Cholangiopancreatography following injection of a radiopaque material into the papilla of Vater. This is done through a fiberoptic endoscope guided by use of fluoroscopy. The procedure is helpful in determining the cause of obstructive jaundice. See: jaundice; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography

Abbreviation: MRCP
Cholangiopancreatography by magnetic resonance imaging, a noninvasive alternative to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. It is used if biopsies are not needed and direct visualization of the ampulla of Vater is not required.