Electrodynamic Stability

Electrodynamic Stability


the ability of an electrical device to function without failure when subjected to electrodynamic forces that result from the interaction of magnetic fields created by the device’s current-conducting components and magnetic fields that arise under the worst conditions possible during the device’s operation, usually during a short circuit.

Electrodynamic stabililty, which is indicated on the equipment certificate, is expressed as the maximum allowable amplitude of the leakage current passing through the device, the highest allowable ratio of such current to the nominal current, or the maximum allowable mechanical force in the device during a short circuit.


Kholiavskii, G. B. Raschet elektrodinamicheskikh usilii v elektriches-kikh apparatakh. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.
Tamm, I. E. Osnovy teorii elektrichestva, 8th ed. Moscow, 1966.