Bolshevik Moscow Confectionery Factory
Bolshevik Moscow Confectionery Factory
the largest enterprise in the USSR for the production of baked confections (cookies of all types, crackers, wafers, cakes, and pastries). It was founded in 1855 by a French capitalist. Until 1927 it also produced cosmetics, perfumes, and soap. Workers of the factory participated in the December Armed Uprising of 1905 at Krasnaia Presnia and in the October Revolution of 1917. During the prewar five-year plans (1929–40), the factory was enlarged and reconstructed and became specialized for the manufacture of baked confections. In 1962 the factory was awarded the title of Enterprise of Communist Labor. In 1973, 71, 700 tons of goods were produced (12.5 times more than in 1915, when the maximum number of items was manufactured). The factory is equipped with high-output, continuous-operation mechanized lines. It was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1971.