释义 |
common tendinous ring of extraocular muscles com·mon ten·di·nous ring of extraocular muscles [TA] a fibrous anulus that surrounds the optic canal and the medial part of the superior orbital fissure; it gives origin to the four rectus muscles of the eye and is partially fused with the sheath of the optic nerve. Synonym(s): anulus tendineus communis [TA], anulus of Zinn, Zinn ligament, Zinn ring, Zinn tendoncom·mon ten·di·nous ring of ex·tra·oc·u·lar mus·cles (kom'ŏn ten'di-nŭs ring eks-tră-ok'yū-lăr mŭs'ĕlz) [TA] A fibrous ring that surrounds the optic canal and the medial part of the superior orbital fissure. It gives origin to the four rectus muscles of the eye and is partially fused with the sheath of the optic nerve. Synonym(s): anulus of Zinn. |