alkaline-ash diet

al·ka·line-ash di·et

a diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, and milk (with minimal amounts of meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and cereals), which, when catabolized, leave an alkaline residue to be excreted in the urine. Synonym(s): acid-ash diet, basic diet

al·ka·line-ash di·et

(al'kă-lin-ash dī'ĕt) A diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, and milk that, when catabolized, leaves an alkaline residue to be excreted in the urine.

al·ka·line-ash di·et

(al'kă-lin-ash dī'ĕt) Diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, and milk (with minimal amounts of meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and cereals), which, when catabolized, produces alkaline residue excreted in urine.
Synonym(s): acid-ash diet.